Dec 04, 2006 08:04

savage_midnight, I had a dream about Alias, you'll be pleased to hear. Ok, so it was all about how Syd/Weiss was becoming text and there was all this fuss in a feature and then I saw it and was unimpressed, I think because it didn't feel so definitive to me or something. But then there was another feature and some talking head was going on about the influence of fanfic on the decision, and I was watching it with someone who didn't know that I wrote fic and I was wibbling inside. But still, my subconscious.

What I'm trying to say is I'm writing your fic, and planning the other request, and while they may not be posted imminently, they will be posted as quickly as possible.

I managed to get to bed at ten last night, which meant skipping a couple of shows. instead i watched THe West Wing. It was excellent. It was the one where CJ does The Jackal. I have the warm fuzzies for nearly everyone on that show, but CJ and Toby maybe edge them out. Oh, and another Alias connection, Carl Lumbly was guest-starring.

(So, this is totally into a GIP, but I found my icon of spies.)

tv, alias, fannish dreams

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