I have the hiccoughs

Dec 03, 2006 08:57

Further to the last post on the main X-Factor show... Who are these cloth-eared phone-owners voting Ray in? And why? I'm les enraged than I would have been had he been voted in and Ben or Leona out, but the brothers were more in tune and have been. Perhaps they did peak last weeek, but about half of the 12 finalists were better than Ray and...I am flummoxed.

Also, Kater's drerss was nice enough, but didn't work with the Aids ribbon. Or the Aids ribbon didn't work with the dress. I will be in a better mood next week if Ray is ovted off first. I will still be disgusted at having to listen to him do more songs. Perhaps he can suggest to SImon that he'll sing acapella and Simon won't be able to refues him and it'll be a disaster. That would be good.

Then I watched Take That's live audience. Such a good show. I mean they had me with Relight my FIre - flame throwers, hopps and Lulu. I don't know what Sara Cox was blathering on about doing it live, for one thing they had the experience of I don't know how many live TV performances, but more importantly there was the recent tour. Good mix of old and new, ballads and big numbers (the pom=poms)! And every time they cut to a female audience member of a certain age (or John Barrowman) there they'd be with a silly, beaming smile on their face, knowing all the words. I liked the new songs, I can understand why they went for the old songs that they did. Mark was really funny, and I excuse him for encouraging the Spice Girls to re-form. Because there is o need for that. Ever. I think I may be developing a crush on Howard (and so cool that Gary stepped down for the final song for him).

And finally, Robin Hood. A Thing or two about loyalty. I am surprised to say it, ut there were several points when i was gripped - between Marian/Guy, Robin/Marian, the did i just see that? slash of Sherriff/Guy and Djaq being too thirsty for knowledge?

Allan had the collective brain cell, I think, I am nt being based, he did come up with sensible ideas and observations, although when he mocked Much's ability to get into the Castle and break out him who used to be on The Bill, you just knew it was going to be a Much Comes Through episode. He even kissed a girl (but talked about Robin more or less simultaneously). Actually, Eve turned out to be a complicated one. She looked like Patsy Kensit crossed with Melissa George. I think she was genuinely touched by Much's socialist principles of feeding everyone, but I think that the truth of her was nowhere near what Much saw in her - did she tell him about the coin she got from the Sherriff. I wouldn't mind seeing her return if she is all ambiguous.

Meanwhile there was a moment where Marian Was starting to use her womanly wiles on Guy (who is so think, not leaving a guard behind to look after the powder and the amount of time he took to clock that flaming arrow + gun powder = DANGER, WILL ROBINSON was too much). I could almost see a future of her trying to use him as her puppet to do good. I don't know if she went that far, but there were some really good Marian moments - her reaction to the humiliation of Much at the Nobles' Councils said it all about the sway of the Sherriff. i mean, there were moments of idiocy - she is not the best at keeping her tracks of talking to Robin clean for starters.

There was even a nice, sole, subtle moment reminding us of the Allan/Will/Djaq triangle, although Djaq/science OTP! And the guards getting wise to the escape route through the rubbish tip!!! Some good stuff here among the usual idiocy (hearts and minds, bah.)

uk, tv, robin hood, the x-factor, poptastic

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