My big het poll (now with proper coding)

Jul 24, 2006 19:55

This isn't related to the latest round of discussion about het and slash, although I held back from posting this poll until I was caught up. It's actually inspired by the round before this (see metafandom's March entries), in which one commentator seemed to think that slash fandom = fandom. As this excluded me as both het writer and occasional fan of some things who only obsessively watches/reads and discusses these source texts without wanting to write any kind of fanfic, I was irked. When, after that, I read a post that made quite a few generalisations about slashers versus het shippers - some more supported by general fannish experience than others - I was still a bit ruffled. But the latter post lead on to some interesting discussion about how het shippers, by and large, don't write meta about 'Why we het'. (Though there is this recent discussion asking that precise question if you're interested.)

Anyway, the comments from that discussion led to the questions of in this poll. I'm no social scientist, my biases and limitations will probably be rampant, and if you find yourself going 'Yes, but...' let me know in the comments. What I wanted to do was to have information for meta discussions about het, maybe even to initiate some more (civil!) discussion about why we het and who we het shippers are.

By 'ship or 'shipping, I mean actively support a fictional relationship either by writing or reading fanfic or non-fiction, or creating fanart or vids centred around that relationship.. If any of the terms I use are unclear, either ask in the comments or check The Fanfiction Glossary or Wikipedia.

Please answer by your lights or by what your fandom seems to go along with (e.g. on the interpretation of what is canonical or not).

ETA: For anyone over 49...I'm sorry!!! There was a 40 plus option in an earlier incarnation of this poll and then I did a stupid thing. When answering, please assume that the 49 isn't there, or tick 'none of the accidentally ageist person's business', as you wish.

ETA 2: May-December is an expression for an older person/younger person pairing - the idea being that the younger person is in the spring of their life and the older person isn't.

ETA 3: Feel free to carry on responding,but as of 6.00pm GMT 5 Sept '06, I'm consiering this poll closed and I writing an analysis based on the results.

Poll Shallowness's Big Het Poll

Please advertise this poll wherever you think het shippers are, I'd like for it to have the widest amount of respondents possible.

shipping, poll, reading, meta, writing

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