X-men 3: The Last Stand trailer

May 14, 2006 12:35

And that's the last time I'll type that film title out in full, probably.

First, yesterday's Guide was had a Neela/Ray mention when reccing Monday's ER double bill on Channel 4, and furthermore, Channel 4 has a programme looking up the original A-team on at Thursday. The latter's a must see (sorry, Bones), the former is a tempter.

Went to see Mission Impossible 3 again last night (it's Alias the movie! With Jonathan Rhys Meyer and helicopters!) And this time I understood, ooh 89 % of the dialogue, whereas the first time around it was only 70%.

For the first time in a while, the trailers didn't include Prime or Poseidon! Instead there was a POTC 2 trailer - I...find I haven't got much to say about that except Ihopeit'llbegoodhopeit'llbegood. For those who are more into the POTC fandom, there's a countdown community potc_dogwatch.

The X3 trailer is another matter. Weirdly, this is the first time I've seen it. I've seen the one that's been mashed up fro the movie piracy is bad! a, and this one seemed different to that. I did debate burrowing my heads and not watching it, but that would be on the tragic scale of sad. So I watched it and I present my comments and speculations.

Okay, so w'll get to the line that brought out my inner fangirl shipper in a sec. I can't judge it overall, I was watching it so frenetically. It seemed to be introducing as many of the characters as possible (I didn't see Nightcrawler) but there was surprisingly little Wolverine - especially in comparison to the piracy ad, which is based on a trailer. Come to think of it, there wasn't much Xavier. Storm still has her Chiana hair, and there was a nice moment between her and Rogue. I liked how they handled Storm in the last film, I'm worried about what I've heard for the third. Kelsey Grammar looks interesting as Beast. The plot seems to be new President, new hate on for mutants, potential cur, two bands of mutants, return of Jean Grey with longer hair.

Most interesting was that it looks as if there's going to be a Kitty?/Bobby/rogue triangle. I mean, I was vaguely aware of the Bobby/Pyro/Rogue love triangle stuff in X2, only I was ignoring it with my powerful Logan/Rogue fixation/reading. And I was expecting some kind of continuation with Bobby and Rogue facing Pyro gone bad, nt least because Iceman and Pyro's powers beg for them to face off. And...I suppose I'd better adjust.

Looks like we're getting more Logan/Jean angst, to which, yeah, whatever, they have no chemistry. But oh Scott. We got about two or three glimpses of him looking hot angsty and then unleashing his powers. Bless.

Mystique looked cool and dangerous. Don't know what I make of Angel yet. (that's his name.) Having Ian McKellan be Magneto in the same month as he's doing voice over pontificating duties for the Da Vinci Code may be a mistake.

But the best thing ever? 'I'm not your father!' EEEEEEEEEE!




Okay, common sense, the best I should hope for is out-takes where someone does the inevitable Star Wars riffs, because I suspect the context is more Rogue asking Logan for advice (Bobby delivered the line about not being kids AGAIN!? Did we not cover that last time?). It wasn't delivered particularly like it would be delivered in fic, except that Hugh Jackman as Wolverine can do very little that is not THE SEXY. But anyway, part of me is trying to prepare myself for the context taking out all of the zing from the line. Except, it WILL be fire to the 'but he's a mentory, father figure type' for her, people. Because no, Logan, I don't think Marie ever thought you were her father.

One line and I'm all rabid, when everything else in the trailer and what I've come across is making me think that it's probably safer to actively ship Scott and Rogue. Anyway, this is the film for which I've got an internal countdown. I'll probably rush to see it the first sighting possible. I'm hoping to rewatch the DVDs and do a blitz on reading a lot of fanfic I've never got round to before canon progresses in the next less than a fortnight.


(I can't help it.)

Comments and others' speculation welcomed, but don't spoil me, if you have been spoiled, feel free to be mysteriously vague, but no more. I'll be screening comments in case.

potc, spy movies, shallow, x-men, shipping, films

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