Oct 07, 2006 17:07
So Tuesday night I was on my my space and decided since i just got back in touch with David Dunlap and his wife Lindsey to look at David's. I saw David Faulkner who I have looked at previously and I found my old buddy from Middle School and High School Sean Barrett. Which was really cool I left him a message and my cell number which was pretty cool. So I was about to go to bed around 2. And he called my cell at first I'm thinking "who the hell is calling me?" and he wanted to chill. So I got dressed and meant him right down the street by our old Middle School and Party Pizza. So I got in and went to my house we chilled on my porch about 5:00 reminissing about a few things. Mainly seeing what each other have been up to what we've been doing since High School etc... How he's been and how I've been which is really cool. I got him in my my space and his cell. So he was telling me he's bad with time management and he hangs out with one friend every week. So I'm going to send him a message with my schedule and see what we can dod.
More and more I've been gaining this crush on Tracy from work. Which right now she seems busy since she's not answering my IMs and I don't want to bother her too much. From what the girl at Customer Service said is that she's single that her boyfriend broke up with her. They keep telling me I should ask her to lunch if she answered my IMs I was thinking about it. I mean I don't know if she knows I like her or not but she will find out soon. Not even sure if she's single or not and if she's out of my league. We like the same music and have things in common but I'm not sure how she feels about me heh. I did some flirting online the other day but we barely get to talk. Either she's busy or we're busy or both and I get so shy and I don't want to bother her at work or get in trouble by a manager.
I'm still trying to get money saved. I dropped $150.00 deposit for my cell phone since I got it switched over from my mom's name to mine. I now can establish credit which is good at least I think so. And I paid my mom $100.00 and I put the rest of my paycheck in my checking account. So I was really considering on putting every paycheck in there and my mom wants $100 every month. Then after I get $1,000 in my checking account get $2,000 in my credit union. I was actually thinking about closing out my savings account and throwing it all in my checking account and signing up for direct deposit. Though my grandfather started it for me which I'll still remember but not sure what I should do. I know it'll be faster and more convient to get to especially if I'm working they have great hours. So if anyone has an opinion please tell me I mean I don't want to but then it'll be easier and I might want to.