Bailey fic ...

Jul 01, 2004 17:32

Profiler: I Stand Alone
Rated: G
POV: Bailey
Relationship: loosely SBR
Based on: Crisis, Season 1

Author’s Notes: based on “Crisis,” Season 1. Bailey’s POV.

Relief shoots through me like a streak of lightning, intense and bright, when I see her kneeling by the armored car. Her eyes are glazed with tears, stress, fear, and perhaps even a bit of empathy. I don’t know how she does it but she always manages to feel just the littlest bit sorry for the perps, even the maniacs who try to kill her.


I can’t keep from shouting her name. Until this moment, my mind had been telling me that I was probably never going to see Sam alive again. Here she is and seeing her is a shock that’s nearly physical.

I holster my gun- they’ve got Zahn safely in protective custody- and reach for her. I need to have her in my arms. That’s all that matters.

I cling to her, tightening my grip until I realize I’m probably hurting her.

“You okay?” I ask. I look her over- she seems shaky but otherwise okay- and give in to the other sensation that’s overwhelming me. I lean down and kiss her cheek. I don’t give a damn who’s watching.

She nods, pulls away from me. So proper. A small smile crosses her lips and she nods at the cap I’d donned to double as Albert Zahn.

I want to talk to her- really talk. I want to tell her how relieved I am that she’s alive. I want to tell her how scared I’ve been all day, how my hands are shaking and my heart feels like it’s about to beat its way through my ribs. I want to tell her how I suddenly realized just how much she means to me. But she’s all business, questioning me about everything involved with the take-down. Some times I wish she wasn’t so damnably curious, so eager to bounce from this fiasco to the one that’s always waiting around the corner. I wish just once she would let herself take the comfort I want so badly to offer her.

Coop comes bounding over, still in his paramedic gear, and pulls Sam into his arms. There’s a stab of jealousy that slices through my gut and tightens the longer he holds her. I like Coop, truly I do, but the way he’s managed to so totally capture Sam’s heart gives me pause. Coop inspires me to introspection. What is it that he has that I seem to lack? What can he offer Sam that I cannot?

We talk business again and I watch them shooting sidelong glances at each other. She seems steadier now that he’s here but that doesn’t stop her from leaning on his arm or resting her head on his shoulder.

I can’t watch them anymore. Weary from so many tense hours, I am ready to drop.

“I’ve got some thing to take care of,” I say.

“See you ‘round the shop, Bailey,” Coop replies, his arm firmly around Sam’s waist.

I have to fight off an insane urge to slug him in the jaw. Instead I decide to fire back with a round of my own- bidding Sam good bye, I slide my hand along the line of her jaw. I am gratified when she leans her cheek against my palm. Small contact but contact all the same.

I step out into the dark. The rain machines are still pounding but the flood lights have been extinguished. I stop a hundred feet from the hangar doors and look back in, huddling under the ridiculous cap Sam had found so amusing.

She and Coop are leaving arm in arm. They’re strolling, as oblivious to the hubbub as if they were taking a quiet walk through Mercer Park. At the doors they share a kiss, back lit by the lights in the hangar until they both shine with a nimbus of soft glowing yellow. My gut twists again.

Sam laughs as Coop calls for the team to turn off the rain machines and she twines her arm around his waist. They walk off into the fading night together.

I stand alone, wishing one more time that I’d had the courage to say the words.

bailey, fanfic, kosmickway

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