July Contest #1: Black and White Icons

Jul 01, 2004 14:51

Thanks to our very own lollobrigida, who won the Sharon Lescher/Jill Icon Contest, we have our first contest for July, which can prove to be interesting. You ready?

Black and white icons.

That's it.

Now it sounds simple, obviously: we want NO color whatsoever, not even sepia-toned icons, just shades of black, white, and any variant of gray.

And what's easy about this is that there's tons of promo material for Profiler out there that's already in black and white, so, since there's no text requirement, no character requirement, you've got free reign.

However, if you happen upon a color picture you LOVE and want to use it for the contest, here's a handy-dandy tutorial (for PhotoShop, but it might give the rest of you guys some ideas for your own programs) from how_to_frost. Click the link below and check it out, cause it's full of interesting tips!!

Black and White Icons: A Tutorial by Lollobrigida

Quick run-down of the rules:

1) All icons must be in black and white. No color, duh.
2) All icons must be LJ standards.
3) All icons must remain anonymous until after poll results are posted.
4) All icons are due by Friday, July 16 by 5:00 pm EST.

Hmm...I notice you haven't told me where to submit my entry. Has something changed?

YES!! I am no longer accepting submissions by email except for extreme cases. So, instead of emailing your submission to me, please post it as a comment to this entry, giving me both the image and the URL for it. I will then download it and then upload it to the comm's server, so that way, it doesn't suck up your bandwidth. All comments will be screened, and I'll let you know when I have your entry. NO anonymous submissions.

If you don't have a hosting service, just register at PhotoBucket.com

Clear as mud? Please comment if you have questions. The reason I'm changing the format around is because I have a new email address and don't want to have to rely on making sure those emails get in.

Also, a quick plea: If you make icons, and have the time, please, please, please submit. Submissions have been low lately, and I know it's summer, and I know some of you (well, probably all of you) are insanely busy, but if you find the time in the two weeks you have to create an entry, I'd love to see more submissions. So please, please, and pretty, pretty please. Thanks!!

icon challenge 2004

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