Fic: the dark of night

Feb 07, 2007 14:03

Title: The dark of night
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: None
Characters: Bailey Malone
Characters mentioned: Janet, Frances, Arianna
Pairings: none
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 272
Summary: Set during Ambition in the Blood, Bailey wakes up in the hospital and ponders about his life.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: written for my good friend Fleta

The hospital was quiet when Bailey opened his eyes. He felt extremely tired, and it took him time before he adjusted to the quietness, and his surroundings.
And trying to look back to the past few days, he realizes with all the mistakes he had made over the years, he shouldn’t have been surprised that Frannie would lash out at him by shooting him. He was grateful that she hadn’t decided to kill him.
Bailey felt that he had to make it up to her somehow. But he couldn’t think of a way to do so though. It seemed to bring him in the dilemma that he found himself quite frequently when it came to his children.
How do you let be them who they are but protect them from all the sickos in the world? How can anyone teach them the dangers of the world with out scaring them for life? How can you be a good parent and get them to realize that everything you did was out of love, and not come off as over dominating to the point that they hate you forever?
He only wished the best for his children. And his drive to keep the bad people off the street to protect them, seem that it would never be enough.
Janet made them believe he hadn’t fought for them that he cared more about his job than them, but the truth was every day he fought for them, so that they could have a safe life. But he wasn’t sure he could make his daughters see that he wasn’t neglecting them, that he was protecting them.

bailey, fanfic, serialbathera

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