Fanfic : First impressions

Feb 07, 2007 13:49

Title: First Impressions
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: I’m not what you hoped- Charles Semones//The Ravisher (#3 fanfic_fiesta)
Characters: George Fraley, Marcus Peyton, Richard Warren
Characters mentioned: Bailey Malone
Pairings: George/ Richard
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 447
Summary: George deals with his impressions of marcus peyton...
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.
Author’s notes: told from George’s POV

When I saw Marcus Peyton walk in, I felt like I was five years old, and I still believed in Monsters in my closet. Except now, Marcus was the monster, and I should have known better, especially with the info I had on him now.
Marcus came into the VCTF yelling, and called me a worm, intimidating me, and trying to intimidate Bailey. And when Bailey offered him a job, it scared me more than I want to admit. I kept wondering if Bailey knew what he was doing.
Three days later, I was walking with my boyfriend Rich, and we decided to stop in one of our favorite coffee shops. We were sitting at a table enjoying cups of coffee, and sharing a rather large and tasty piece of pound cake when I saw Marcus walk into the coffee shop.
It caused me to shiver which caused Rich to watch me with those sad brown eyes that told me I was causing him to be concerned. I rubbed his knee under the table and whispered that I was okay.
“No you’re not.” He whispered back.
I watched Marcus go to the counter, lowering his sunglasses to order a large hot chocolate, and a bran muffin. He then pushed his sunglasses back up as he waited.
I don’t say anything to Rich; just keep my hand on his knee, and my eyes on Marcus.
Marcus gets his order, and then spots me and Rich as he walks away from the counter. He sits down at the table without asking.
“You must be George’s roommate. Marcus Peyton.” Marcus says extending a hand to Rich.
“Richard Warren.” Rich says, shaking my hand, as he glances at my face to see where I knew Marcus from, hoping that he wasn’t some member of the Cahill O’Conner syndicate. Rich knew about them, he had done some side jobs for them too once in his life, and he didn’t like those people, especially considering all the things that have been happening recently with them.
“I am going to be working with George soon.” Marcus supplied.
“So, you accepted Bailey’s offer,” I asked a little concerned. I was trying to not be scared by this man for some reason reminded me of Shaft, except meaner.
Marcus took off his sunglasses, and set them on the table. “He persuaded me. I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I hope there are no hard feelings.”
I didn’t know what to say for a few minutes. Maybe I had misjudged him, and maybe I had no right to be scared of him. The person I was probably scared of was his undercover persona. “No hard feelings.”

fanfic, serialbathera, george/rich

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