It's a BOY!

Mar 23, 2004 16:35

I had my ultrasound yesterday and as the title states- it is a boy- well- the ultrasound teck said she couldn't get a good picture (at least not one she was happy with) but that she had a strong feeling that the baby was a boy... so my husband leaves the doctor's office saying that we still don't know- I stayed for my check up appointment and mentioned what the tech said to the doctor- he said that, "I'd trust her stong feelings more than most people's sure things." He went on to explain that in the last 12 years she has only misinterpreted the sex once and that was when she was just getting started- so It's a boy...

I leave for Alcapulco this weekend- getting excited but also worring about what all I need to pack...

Daughters both have dance competitions this weekend out of town and friend is taking them for me- her daughter is on one of the teams- I'll have to get her something when I'm in Mexico because she is going to be exhausted doing hair and make-up on three girls before 8am on Sunday morning!

Son is going to a Boy Scout camp this weekend- so he will be gone most of it.

Update about the 12yo girl kidnapped from her bus stop- raped- and released at the mall- the girl is in a Girl Scout troop here- her leader only just found out and felt really guilty for thinking bad things about the family for not showing up at cookie booth sales- The girl's parents contacted her about 5 days before the individual cookie money was due- to ask for help because "with all that happened" they hadn't been able to get the cookies delivered and didn't have the money- I said that it shouldn't be too much for us to get rid of- just give us a list and we'll spread the word about what is and isn't available- Frankly I think council should just give the girl credit for the cookies and her prizes and not hold her or the troop responsible but council is saying that the parent's are responsible for cookies they take- urrgghhh sometimes I think they don't know how to read the GS law- anyway the troop leader isn't about to stiff these parents with this after what happened to their daughter- the girl is holding up though and it was only through her quick thinking and attention to detail that they were able to catch this guy before he repeated the action- Her troop leader had just gone over "stranger danger" info in their troop after I encouraged it following the Florida Girl's kidnapping and murder- and it was with some of their meeting information that the girl was able to identify her abducter- with in a few hours of her release from him FYI: the girl was snatched from behind at a bus stop- the kidnapper had been stalking it for a while and she had the misfortune of being the first there that morning...

In related news our city now has an alert system that works under the Amber Alert principals but this time we got calls about a possible child abductor in our neighborhood near my youngest daughter's school- the automated call reported that we should be awared of the locations of our "caucasion female children" at all times until further notification- okay- that was a little unnerving but I suppose it is good too many people are too complacent when it comes to the safety of their children- I know growing up I was able to go all over town alone at the age of 8 or so... I wouldn't dream of it now-

Well on that happy thought... I've got to bring my daughter to dance...

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