Yeah... I'm a little upset but some of it has actually blown over a bit... I'm getting over it.
The Back Story: My 11yo daughter in middle school has had her sting of boyfriends (you know- they might call each other on the phone every now and then, couple skate at the skating rink on Saturday nights, talk at recess, etc) One of her last boyfriends- was a pretty nice kid when I met him at our Halloween Party- And our friends/neighbors even put the kid through the wringer making him ask my husband's permission to date our daughter... (it was pretty funny at the time- especially considering my husband would prefer to castrate all males that may come in contact with his daughters than ever consider that she may actually one day have a real relationship with one...)
Any way- most of the past boyfriends lasted maybe a month if it was "true-love" but this one had hung around a bit longer- they had been friends before they "dated"-
When the boy decided he wanted to break up with my daughter- my daughter just shrugged and said, "whatever" I think she really didn't mind- but that she wanted to still be friends- Now this was sometime just after Christmas... I thought things were going pretty well- when a few weeks ago- my daughter comes home upset because the boy is "talking bad about her"- She wouldn't elaborate to me- and I told her the typical mom things- like "his opinion doesn't really matter," and that he was just being immature...
Not sure if it made her feel better- but she didn't comment again about it for a while- so I thought it had all blown over...
Then we go to just last week when I'm subbing at my daughter's school and I go out to the school yard for lunch duty and find my daughter in tears- seems the boy is spreading "bad" rumors about her- and some of her "friends" are siding with him...
I offered her at that time- to go talk to the principal about it but she thought that the boy would just deny everything- I still couldn't get her to tell me what he was saying so I just let it go...
Well a few days later she's crying at home over the same thing- and she finally opens up and tells me that he is saying that she is a "slut" and a "whore" complete with details of how she fits these descriptions- (yes and since the only times he has ever been around her outside of school is at my home in the presence of way too many adults that they both would have been killed if anything inappropriate happened or at the skating rink which probably is stricter on any public display of affection than I would be- all he said could have easily occurred) Of course, kids at the school would believe his lies because with girls already pregnant and attending the school- and the fact that my friend's son was on the phone the other day and when she picked up the phone to tell him it was time to get off the phone and go to bed- she over heard the girl on the line offering to give her son head!!!!- It may not be that far off the mark to believe stories about a promiscuous 11 yo
Later that same night I go to a meeting for Girl Scout Leaders and have one of my friends who has a son at the same school talk to me afterwards about the rumor her son overheard about my daughter... The boy is a grade older- I get another call from another friend that night with a similar story.
So I talk to my daughter again- her brother gets in on the conversation and is thinking of the best way to torture the kid... he's ready to beat him up, humiliate him and then treat him badly... (good to have a big brother sometimes)
I subbed the next day again- this time a regular ed class and got to have the boy in my class for 50 minutes- he walked in the class room- saw me, went pale, put his head down, and didn't so much as breathe too loudly the entire time. It was really sort of funny- some of the kids kept asking him what was wrong with him... I got a small pleasure out of his minor discomfort- but...
Didn't let that stop me from going to the principal and telling him it is time that he does something about the sexual harrassment that my daughter is experiencing... I told him what was being said- gave names of kids that I knew could back up my daughter's story- even if all it was was to say that they heard him say these things...
The boy was made to apologize to my daughter in front of all three principals and the on duty sherrif- who told him she would personally be watching him very closely.
Found out today that he has been given a week of in school isolation (suspension but they stay at school and can't talk to anyone at all).
Most of my daughter's teachers (and a few who only know her as her older bother's little sister) have spoken to her directly telling her that they support her and that they too are watching him very closely and have all encouraged her to report any more comments that he makes.
My daughter's group of friends (the boys and the girls) have all rallyed to her side as well- she told me that many of the boys have put in mild threats to the boy on the phone if he ever did anything like that again...
My son's girlfriend (who normally I have little good to say about- she annoys me) also helped out- her younger brother is friends with this boy- and she told him that if she ever hears anything she'd have the pleasure of fixing it so all those things he only wishes he did would never happen because he physically couldn't do it... Her little brother and his friends have all ostracized him as well...
Of course- I have heard from one teacher at the school who stopped an argument between him and another boy- seems the kid said somethng about me getting "fatter each time I come to school" and the other boy started yelling at him- and telling him he was an idiot because "Dude- she's pregnant- how stupid can you be- you don't talk about anyone's mom like that and especially not about one that is pregnant" The teacher said she almost hated to stop the fight...
I guess it is working out- my daughter is still a little confused as to why this boy was doing this- he supposedly had moved on to another girlfriend before he started saying all these things- and from what her friends told me- she never said anything bad about him...
I told her that it was because he was an 11 year old boy- who was trying to look tough and manly and failing miserably- that he had to try to bring her down to look like he was better- I reminded her that the last boy that "broke-up" with her was being a little mean (nothing like this of course) after the break up because she didn't get upset about it- and she stopped his behavior by telling him off for his immaturity...
Again, I don't think it made her feel much better (you know when you're 11 you start to think that your parents really don't know what they are talking about-sigh)
And in other news-
I don't have 190 cases of cookies in my house right now!!! Thanks to Charlotte- for taking them off my hands- they are all at her house- where her husband built racks special so none of the boxes would sit on the floor of his garage-
And... if I can make myself re-read OotP- I plan to revise my fic and make it fit the current canon- I wanted to make a few changes with it anyway- before OotP came out- now I have a good excuse to do just that- Not sure when I will possibly have the time to do so- but it is a plan- and is on my mental to do list.
(who needs to go get ready for bed so I can rest for another day of subbing- Math this time- yeah my favorite /sarcasm- of course I get to make mean, Snape-like faces at that horrid little boy for 50 minutes- I should go practice my smirks and glares)