Jul 19, 2011 23:34
So the other day for my birthday, I wanted to go somewhere that was older then I turned. After some thought we ended up at Bern's. I have been big on history the last few months and all I could do was sit there drinking wine and thinking about everything that went down in that building over the years.
How many people have celebrated their Birthdays there, got engaged, got doubled crossed in business deals, got blown in the secluded Harry Waugh Dessert Room, spilled blood in the bar fights, the history goes on. You can't get that at a chain.
Speaking of chains, Borders is dead, long live Borders. I have a thing for Borders cause Jen and I met there for the first time over a cup of coffee. They were going off the path though, selling way too much junk.
I get people like the Kindle but you will never beat the feeling of a real book. The same goes for a newspaper. A real paper, one that leaks ink on your hands as you try to drink coffee and read.
Things are changing and not for the better.