ever since I started tumbling my LJ entries have gotten sillier and sillier

Sep 08, 2011 19:51

I'm even starting to forget how to use proper punctuation, man (at least my entries aren't written in ALLCAPS... yet)
But anyway, I drew an embarrassed singing Chibiffrey! I've never drawn a chibi before, so chances are this looks completely horrible and I just haven't realized it yet, but um I'll post it either way

I'm considering actually shading him properly and drawing a Chibilincia for him to sing for, because that sounds cute ♥ I will probably do that when I stop being lazy!

... I'm technically supposed to be drawing that Elphin/Percival thingy, but I've been struck with a sudden inspiration to draw fem!Ike. Yes. Her name will be Ikea, thereby enabling me to make lots and lots of unfunny furniture jokes (it's obviously the perfect name for fem!Ike)

my mind works in strange ways, nobody cares, tellius, fire emblem, art

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