(I ended up deleting and remaking my post because the HTML got so messed up when I went to edit it somehow - I'm really, really sorry to whomever actually commented, but editing the HMTL wasn't helping either ;A; I am just going to ignore any formatting errors this time)
1) This is a rather odd topic to bring up (I mean, I always bring up odd topics, but still), but I see a lot of artists talking about how they always have these perfect pictures in their heads that they want to put down on paper, and the more I think about it, the more it seems to me that I can't really relate. I do have a general idea of what I want to draw, obviously - but I'm very bad at actually picturing things, which is probably part of the reason composition gives me so much trouble. I can't imagine pictures properly most of the time, so I don't know what I want my art to look like until I actually try drawing something. ... maybe drawing thumbnails could be a good solution, though~
I'm kind of trying to figure out if this is just a result of poor planning on my part or me being more of an auditive thinker than a visual one. Probably both, since I've noticed I can't visualize scenes in books too well, either. It's kind of making me wish I had some kind of musical talent, but I really don't. At all. :')
2) I had the sudden inspiration to start an Tellius!FE-themed playthrough of a Pokémon game a while ago, and so I decided to replay Pokémon Colosseum, which I've come to realize might not have been a good idea since there are only 50 catchable pokémon but um
... I did it anyway
My current team:
Umbreon - Soren [lol Soren makes for a perfect Umbreon. Well, almost. Soren as a pokémon would probably have better special attack.]
Feraligatr - Ike [Apparently this Ike isn't immune to being attracted by female pokémon ;_; He totally should be! if anything attract should have a roar-like effect on him instead]
Altaria - Geoffrey [I was debating naming her Geoffrina, because she's technically a female Altaria. She sings her enemies to sleep with, well, Sing, and shockingly enough the move has hit the enemy every single time except for once in spite of the 55% accuracy, so what I'm getting from this is that fem!Geoffrey has a really beautiful singing voice! ... Yes. I'm making this my new headcanon.]
Entei [Not purified yet, but once I purify him I'm naming him Skrimir! In spite of his blatantly OOC Calm nature.]
I'm also planning on catching Vibrava and and naming it Tormod. I had a sort of long explanation for why Tormod as a Flygon sort of makes sense, but really I mostly just want to use a Flygon because I love them ♥ I'll make sure to teach it Fire Blast, though!
Meta month seems like a pretty cool idea, except that I really don't feel I'm anywhere near intelligent enough to write meta on... anything, really. Or even comment on it, since a lot of it seems quite complex (although still very interesting). Umm, not to mention that I don't post to LJ too often, so.
It's kind of interesting to see that Magvel and Archanea seem to have the most meta essays written for them, so far! I'm not sure if this is because they have more fans on LJ, or because there are more worldbuilding-related holes to fill in (for Magvel, at least; I'm unsure about Archanea, since I think it had some designer's notes and such released for it?). This is also making me realize that I really haven't seen much Tellius meta on LJ, for some reason, but maybe I should stop commenting on this because I seem to have written meta on meta in an attempt to avoid writing any proper meta
Also, since I'm sort-of-but-not-really on the topic of Archanea anyway - does anybody know if the Marth/Sheeda or Marth/Merric supports from FE12 have been translated? I know there's a thread on Serenes Forest about Shin Monshou with some translations, but I don't recall those specific supports being there, and I'm kind of curious about them~ (I'd like to try translating them myself, but my Japanese is awful so I'd probably fail horribly)