The Game Is On

Sep 12, 2010 01:49

So, today I happened-- by chance, not design-- to end up watching Sherlock''s 'A Study in Pink' and RDJ's Sherlock Holmes within hours of each other, both for the first time.

It was an interesting experience. I mean, if nothing else, watching RDJ's movie sortakinda solved the "Moriarty" mystery, which cracked me up. But I have to say... well played, Mr. Moffat, you've come out on top.

I have grown to love Robert Downey, Jr. in these past few months. Who can argue with his BIG GIANT PUPPY EYES? But idk. Maybe it's just because I bonded with Iron Man so much, but I felt like I was watching Tony Stark bandying about 150 years ago, rather than seeing *Holmes.* While I can't say I find the alien remoteness of Benedict Cumberbatch's Holmes particularly appealing, it makes a lot more sense to me (and feels much truer to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original material) than RDJ's.

It's like... it's the same thing that I think about Snape in the Potter movies. I love Alan Rickman. And I think he plays a very compelling, incredibly interesting, and extremely well-developed character... who *isn't at all like Severus Snape.* I feel like I would have liked Sherlock Holmes a lot more if it... weren't called "Sherlock Holmes." The cinematography was beautiful-- all that contrast! Those colors! But overall, my feeling was "meh."

And the funny thing is, it's not like I fell in love with Sherlock either. Maybe it's because I've seen all of the best one-liners on Tumblr already; maybe it's because every time something even remotely derogatory was said about women, I flinched a mighty flinch, so VERY aware of who was really speaking. Maybe it's because I didn't have 90 minutes of free time and had to watch it in chunks. I dunno. I enjoyed it, and I'll watch the other two episodes because I'm curious, but I can't say I'm particularly enthralled. Big difference between kinda liking something and completely falling in love with it-- Sherlock is something I kinda like.

That said, if fandomsecrets is to be believed and all of the fickle fangirls are saying Benedict would have played a better Eleven than my Matty? THEY ARE ON CRACK. With his creepy-straight posture and his ultra-bass voice? This man is not my Doctor. Interested to see him in other things, though; I wonder how much of it is his Holmes and how much of it is him. But based purely on what I've seen so far-- which is also the only thing most of them have seen? Bitches be crazy.

The moral of the story is that I love Matt Smith kthxbye.

lol self, way to stay focused.

matty is the cutest, movies, iron man, sherlock, meta, the moff

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