To Die For

Feb 17, 2011 23:46

Another late day out of bed thanks to the tinnitus. I got up in time to get Ham off the bus seeing as Sis was running late. It was so nice today I didn’t even have to wear a jacket. I’d like to hope spring is early but that’s probably asking too much.

I called my audiologist and explained to them my problem. I have an appointment next Wed to discuss this. I’m not hopeful since I really don’t like the person I see. Chances are I may just end up going to an a specialist.

The rest of the day was quiet. I vacuumed my room, and the entire first floor. Between a cat and two dogs there is enough pet hair to choke an elephant. I have been getting into Spongebob Squarepants thanks to Ham. Dinner was hamburgers for Sis & I and hot dogs for Ham. You’d think that when you buy ground beef you’d remember the hamburger buns, but no, not in this house. I did buy some generic curly fries but I didn’t like them and probably won’t be finishing them.

I forgot to mention during last nights dinner conversation Chef brought up gay marriage during the conversation. It’s rare that this topic, or any topic pertaining to anything gay is ever brought up but it has happened on rare occasions. This is not for any other reason than that dinner conversations rarely stray beyond the food at the table or menial day to day things. Anything heavier than the local news is rare for that matter. Anyway, whenever this topic has come up Sis always brings up a guy we both knew from when I was 17 and worked at Wegmans in the flower shop (I did a little of everything in that store but I fucked up a lot and that was sort of a demotion). He was a lot older than me (and still is for that matter) but she once admitted that she wished we had hooked up. First of all I was not out to anyone, even myself for that matter at that time. Second, in hindsight there were many guys I would’ve hooked up with back then (before I actually started doing so - the stories I could tell if I had an LJ back then) and the flower shop guy was not one of them. I think it’s my sister’s way of trying to show me she’s comfortable with me being gay (and gay people in general) during these types of conversations. I also thought it was interesting, in a good way, that this was a topic of conversation we were having in front of Ham. It was a normal conversation just like any other and there was no tension or discomfort at all. I suppose if I had more of a social life there might be more occasions to have these discussion. But that’s a topic of conversation for another time.

TV was the usual. This was the best scene of the night though:

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I told Sis I hope that all the teenage girls (and some probably not to teenage) who watched this are probably screaming their heads off. I laughed my ass off. It's fiction people, get over it.
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