Media Mishmash

Sep 25, 2009 23:58

I just got another $9 in free books so I should have about $160 in free Borders books by now. I need to start reading fast. I left that big ass boring book at work dammit! I ran over at work again. I was obsessed w/finding a cheap ass notebook I coulda sworn I left at my people’s place and wasted time thinking I could get away with doing what I had to do quick….but no! I’m so sick of this time constraint shit. I didn’t want to go back to the office to get my book ‘cause I was too stressed I would end up getting screwed if I went over just to get a personal item so I left it there. Even though I’m bored with it I still want to just finish it to get it over with. I guess I’ll just start something new and get to it when I do. I don’t know why I brought it to work to read at lunch….because I never actually get to take a break for lunch. This constant scrambling shit is getting to me which added to me being pissed and now I’m gonna obsess over it during the weekend until Monday when I get an answer (I know I won’t like) about why the 180 on that discussion about letting me catch up. I actually went on Careerbuilder today to check out new jobs because I am THAT CLOSE.

Deep Breath…..

Anyway, it’s 11:30pm and I’m beat already. Time once was I could stay up all night but lately midnight seems to be my threshold.

Soaps were eh. Of the two wedding cliffhangers on both GH and OLTL neither of which I was riveted to, GH was the better of the 2…the whole show and the ending.

Law & Order had a great SP ep for it’s 20th season opener. Ripped from one of the best summer headlines! If it’s one thing Dick Wolf knows how to do it’s showcasing the political/legal bullshit that goes on in the real world in such an astute and ingenious manner. Definitely looking forward to the rest of the year.

I decided that my 9:00pm time slot was going to be DVRing Dollhouse (Note to self to put S1 on Netflix queue and watch ASAP) and watch Southland when it comes on in a few weeks. I watched Medium tonight and it was just not that interesting anymore. I don’t think Ugly Betty will be either and they can both wait until I’m ready to watch the remainder of their seasons (which I’m really guessing this year will be the last for both) on DVD.

My current choice of books to be read sitting on my desk include:

Shadow of Power - Steve Martini

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The King Of Torts - John Grisham

God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens (basically about how religious extremists are just fucked up psychos)

Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman (a book about the benefits of positive relationships over toxic ones…because I’m a sucker for self help books even though they have yet to do much for me)

The Introvert Advantage - Marti Olsen Laney (see above re: self help books)

I pick…..

Before I post I have to say that I just cannot put into words how disgusted I am in the gay community in my city....literally and figuritvely. Really, a 45 yr old overweight drunkard constantly saying "I'm partying" and "I'm looking for cock now" in a public chat room is just downright offensive. And that's saying a lot from me considering I happen to love offensive things (Southpark, Family  Guy, Sacha Baron Cohen movies). And people wonder why we're called faggots (which is not offensive to me personally - stix & stones -  but in it's obvious connotation)., books, law & order, gay rant, work, tv

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