Sep 24, 2009 22:32
Nothing exciting but I’m still posting to try to get back to this especially since I just paid for this. A client fired me today but it’s not a huge loss and things like that happen. Also 1/3 of my caseload got changed. My problem? I was told I would have some of my caseload reduced to give me time to catch up. Instead they sent me an email that I get a whole set of new people to start with beginning next week. Yeah, ok thanks for keeping your word. Note to self to say WTF to my boss.
OLTL sucked. The entire episode. It has been so stellar and though not every episode has to be compelling this one was just blah. It was the first time I fast forwarded about ½ .
I’m sort of watching Grey’s Anatomy, sort of not. I don’t know if I was expecting more or it just went stale. I’m just more disinterested than not. I may go back to watching CSI instead. There is just no emotional impact over George’s death. I can’t tell if they’re supposed to play it this way i.e. the characters are numb or the writing is just way off. T.R. Knight made a smart move and I hope he gets something better. And Jessica Capshaw is boooring.
I think I may finally get to bed early. For a change I’m not doing porn and I’m getting this out of the way early enough. Like I said, nothing interesting. TGTF.
one life to live,