Aug 31, 2012 13:31
Of COURSE there is Romney/Ryan RP slash fiction out there. You'd think media reporters would quit gasping in surprise. (The term "gay slash" is also a redundancy, guys.) Also, yes, I'm pretty sure that it's meant to be funny and not arousing. Actualfax fans of Mitt Romney do not call him "Willard." I'm not surprised that the general public might not know, but media reporters? Come on.
I am rather amused that there's one that worked dressage into it, though, although mercifully, Rafalca doesn't actually seem to be involved.
No, I am not going to link to it. You can use your amazing Google-fu to find it, if that's a thing you really want to do.
Now if Stephen Colbert would refer to it on The Colbert Report, that would be awesome.
political humor