End of year grading like mad. The portfolios will take much longer than they usually do unless I think of something brilliant. Insert whining about other stuff blah blah blah--
But THIS is seriously exciting:
They found the Curtain. The Curtain! No, not window coverings, but Shakespeare's theatre before the company moved to the Globe!
You guys, this is so freaking exciting. People are already arguing (again) about whether or not Henry V was the first play performed in the Globe! Globe vs. Curtain! That was my very first article in print! Ink is going to splatter like blood, you guys! There will be snacks! I'm sure they will find snack food, and if you think about it, snack food is really super important, especially considering there wasn't anyone restricting what you could eat. Was there a privy? (Hey, when you go to the movies, don't you care if there are concessions and a good loo?) My GOD, they might even find financial records down there!
Seriously, guys, I am still so stunned that it hasn't even really hit me.
Does it even matter? Of course it matters. Just think about how many freaking (honestly) useless articles are published about Shakespeare and post-post-post structuralist theory, YAWN, and this might actually give us information about how the plays were done.
When stuff like this happens, and it almost never does, it's like getting a really horribly fuzzy voicemail message from Will himself left on a battery-dead cell. It's something. It's better than the PLAYS. You can read the words with post-post-post-mega post-structuralist theory, but a shoe sole does not lie.