Adults Should Read Adult Books. Discuss amongst yourselves! I shouldn't be typing at all, since I just got a steroid shot to the wrist. Thank GOD I am not phobic about needles, but I still don't like it and it feels ikky.
Here's how the article starts:
"The only thing more embarrassing than catching a guy on the plane looking at pornography on his
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There was no "young adult" section in libraries or bookstores when I was growing up. I read "adult" books starting when I was eleven or twelve, and they were ones appropriate for a middle-schooler. Does that mean that those "adult" books should be "young adult" now? Lark mentioned David Eddings and Dune--I read those when I was a tween, and they still stand up as "adult" books. I certainly don't think the modern-day "young adult" books have less literary merit just because the target audience isn't "people who can vote." I might argue that some of them have less literary merit because they're poorly written with cardboard characters, but I can argue that about plenty of "adult" books and authors too.
I will admit to not reading Hunger Games. I've tried. I have. I really have. But it's first person present tense, which feels really, really, really awkward for me, and it's so distracting that I can't get into the story at all. It's a silly reason, but there it is. I know what the story is about, but much like Twilight, it's something that I will never read.
The other thing I hate with first-person is head-hopping. It killed the Kane Chronicles for me, which is a shame, because I enjoy the Percy Jackson books by the same author. I allowed Rob Thurman to get away with it twice (and once it even worked out to her advantage, since the other head was a werewolf stuck in wolf form who was slowly losing his mind and going full-wolf), but if she does it again, she might go On Notice.
So it was a huge stumbling block for me. Then there was the heavy-handedness of the transitions/segues to and from flashbacks. But, I was immediately interested in the world so I persevered.
Eventually I got sucked in, and I mean that. There were times I was thrown right back out because an editor did not do their job right (lots of typos especially toward the end). But that didn't detract from the story.
I ended up reading all of the Hunger Games this week starting on Monday Night into Tuesday and then finishing on Wednesday Night into Thursday.
But I will be the first to point out its flaws. There is a fanfic feel to it at times. There is the tense which I would particularly notice at odd times. There is the transition issue. But overall I enjoyed the books.
I actually finished them. Which is something of a miracle considering my real hatred of first person present tense.
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