Adults Should Read Adult Books. Discuss amongst yourselves! I shouldn't be typing at all, since I just got a steroid shot to the wrist. Thank GOD I am not phobic about needles, but I still don't like it and it feels ikky.
Here's how the article starts:
"The only thing more embarrassing than catching a guy on the plane looking at pornography on his
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Reading, I like it to be fun.
This is why I hate most required reading because it takes the fun out of reading. I've read classics. Enjoyed some. But most I've gone "Meh" at. Even a lot of modern fiction I feel is boring. If I want to read the next "Great American/British/Russian/Nationality of your Choice Novel" I will. But Reading is my escape. It's my first love. And I made a choice that I am not going to waste what little time I have reading stuff that isn't fun.
Yes. Even nonfiction doesn't have to be boring. Over the years, I've gotten a lot better about stopping reading a book that I'm not enjoying. I no longer feel compelled to finish what I've started.
I will seldom walk away from a book, but I put down The Constant Princess by Phillipa Gregory and there is a good chance I will never finish it. I should donate it to the local library. It's in great shape, and someone will love it.
The last one I can remember doing that with was, in fact, a YA book. The main character--the POV character, since it was first-person--was a complete sociopath. In the first chapter, he quite happily talked about which of a farmer's daughters he had more fun raping (at the ripe old age of 14), and over the next 20 or so pages, he got even LESS likeable from there, and he was so unsympathetic that there was no way I was going to spend the next 400 pages inside his head. Just, NOPE, put it back on the pile and it goes back to the library.
Of course my bookshelves are mostly covered in things like romance novels, epic fantasy, mysteries, and pop non-fic history books as well, rather than modern Literature, so clearly I am a lowbrow person. :P
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