May 09, 2005 22:39
OK lemme think of what useless shit i can write down now.
In fact what is the purpose of this journal shit anyway , no one reads it. Is it all for my benefit?
Well i havent read if there r any comments since ive not yet gone back to read any of my recent articles. So if anyone has actually commented on my rantings thank you, seriously.
I cant wait for these exams to be over. The biggest problem is the fact that every five minutes i find myself thinking about maria. I just cant get her off my mind - and im in no way tryin too :-)
Allright i think ive calmed down. Im just mad bc i watched 24 and now me amore is asleep. I dont blame her but i really wanted to talk to her especially since some things got misconstrued while on AIM , the piece of shit. Its hard not to talk on it ofcourse so i applaud it for being there..... the piece of shit.
I cant wait for after wed. when maria and i will go to look for dresses and tuxes. I already know anything she chooses will make me weak in the knees :-P
And maybe we can go to Georgetown this weekend so i can show off my new jacket, or have another moviethon - which would just be great!!
See now i feel better just thinkin bout her , im not mad at livejournal anymore and i shouldnt be.
So this humble repoter will continue to deliver his rantings as hes sees fit.
Matyeryebyets tovarich!!
(I hope i see her tomm :-)