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prof_dumblydore May 1 2006, 00:46:37 UTC
Come in! *sounds jovial enough, if a bit hesitant; not looking forward to talking to Severus about this*

Please, have a seat. *gestures to the chair* I've been dealing with a lot of meetings today, so if I sound a bit repetitive, understand that I've said the same thing to many others. You're not in any trouble, so you can relax.

*smile follows this as he nudges the bowl of candies over* Lemon drop, Mr. Snape?


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prof_dumblydore May 1 2006, 01:23:11 UTC
Not at all, Severus!

I'm sure you're aware of the complaint box we have outside. As the Headmaster of this school, it stands to me to help out the students in any way possible and make their lives here a bit easier.

As such, I tend to take complaints very seriously and I wanted to share with you something that was written about you that needs to be properly addressed.

*not going to read the complaint out loud* There are certain people here that think you need to take better care of your appearance. Showering everyday, for instance. Brushing your hair every day or whenever it gets mussed. Little things like that can really make the difference.


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:13:38 UTC
*doesn't like the blank look, it only means he'll have to explain further*

I said that some people have made mention that they'd like to see you take better care of yourself. Bone up on your own personal hygiene. Learn to brush your teeth twice a day, brush your hair, shower every night. If you can do those simple things, I'm sure we'll all see an improvement in your physical appearance.


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:34:39 UTC
*not the sort of reaction he'd been expecting; anger, yes, perhaps, even annoyance*

*this is very different*

Severus, it's not the end of the world. It's just something that needs improvement on and I know that you're always wanting to find ways of improving yourself. I'm sure you know people who will be able to help you out with this. Mr. Malfoy may be able to aid you. *hesitant to call Lucius a 'friend' to Sev*

Or even your Head of House.


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:38:12 UTC
*carefully* And why is that, Severus?


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:44:44 UTC
You're not ugly, Severus. *not completely true but..beauty is in the eye of the beholder* This has nothing to do with your looks at all. This has everything to do with you taking care of yourself.

These are but small steps and who knows? In time, you may come to love yourself as much as is healthy. It wouldn't hurt you to start looking after your own body.


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:53:57 UTC

It is better to be good-looking on the inside, Severus, than good-looking on the outside.

In an case, Severus, a shower wouldn't hurt. *keeps using his name, hoping it will bring the boy back and away from his rant* It is a suggestion for improvement. There can always be some room for that. You just have to be willing to open yourself up to it.

*hadn't expected such a large can of worms to be opened; not quite sure how to close it but does know he likely didn't do so just now*


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prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 02:08:33 UTC
You're not hoping for nothing, Severus. You're doing what's best for yourself. Aside from the whole appearance bit, it's best to stay clean else you may catch a sickness.

At least give this some thought, Severus. When you leave here, I want you to consider what was said and know that no matter what, your health counts first and foremost. Your own idea of yourself also matters more than anyone else's. No one should bring you down to think otherwise.

*knows that there are plenty of others who help bring Sev down but there's little he dares do about it; can't be everywhere at once and needs to let Sev suffer a bit as everyone does; just hopes Severus takes his words to heart*


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