Title;; “It’s Filthy, You Must Be Cleansed”
Pairing(s)/Character(s);; slight Seimei/Ritsuka
Fandom;; Loveless
Categories;; General
Rating;; K+
Warnings;; pedophilia, incest, slash, Seimei being a creeper again
Summary;; “They’ve had their grimy hands on you.”
Author’s Notes;; I got this idea while I was washing my hands. DON’T LAUGH.
Aoyagi Seimei quickly got his backpack out of his locker and slammed it shut. He ignored the call of one of his classmates and instead rushed down the school hallways until he got to the hallway of his little brother. They lived in a small town, a rather poor town. They had only one big school for all the grades. Fourth and up was on the second floor and all the lower classes were on the first floor. Seimei personally loved this arrangement.
He was in the fourth grade hallway in a matter of seconds. At the very end, he could see his dearest little sibling just opening his locker. There were some boys huddled around Ritsuka, they were all talking a mile a minute and making fast hand gestures to emphasize whatever points they were trying to make. Ritsuka would nod and smile every now and then. Then a boy placed a hand on the young Aoyagi’s shoulder. Seimei snapped. Immediately, the ninth grader marched down the length of the hall and to his brother’s locker. The boys dispersed upon seeing the cold look in the elder’s eyes, mumbling goodbyes to Ritsuka.
As Ritsuka closed his locker and turned around, Seimei’s cold look immediately melted into a warm smile. The children around them whispered some things and knew to give them some room, as this happened every single day. Seimei would always rush to get to his brother’s hallway so that he could cut the time Ritsuka got with those filthy children. The older brother held his hand out, to which the younger quickly took. The two of them began their way out of the school, hand-in-hand, one oblivious to the looks from others and the other simply not caring.
“Wash your hands, Ritsuka,” Seimei said the moment they got home. Ritsuka quickly went to the sink to do so. This was routine for them. Ritsuka knew that you should wash your hands a lot, but Seimei was always so insistent about it: he made Ritsuka wash his hands whenever they went outside and always when they came back from school. Sometimes, he’d even tell Ritsuka to take a shower the minute they entered the house. He’d say such strange things, as well…
("Those kids had their grimy little hands on you. Who knows where they've been. You need to wash your hands to get rid of their germs," Seimei whispered as he washed his own hands. "Those dirty little animals...")