Apr 25, 2008 12:43
Okay so I'm on day 7 of this low carb/high protein diet. I don't want to say it's Atkins cause I'm not sure it really is. In any event I've been keeping my carb count to 20g or less for the first week and I've lost about 7lbs which is awesome. I know that carbs are important, I mean I understand that muscle development requires simple carbs, then complex carbs, then protein. I'm also aware that a sever lack of carbs for an extended period of time can cause kidney problems/failure but I'm keeping my carb count above 15g so I should be good there.
The good news is with this diet and my little work out routine I've dropped 7lbs in about a week which is very nice. It's not that I'm fat or anything I just want to reduce my body fat count while increasing muscle mass for a better appearance, it's just a personal thing and some may say superficial but w/e I like looking good, lol.
So all in all I'm feeling great. The first few days on this diet was really rough and I was totally super irritable but now I feel just fine and I don't even crave sweets or carbs or anything and I totally feel great.
Also, I've been able to talk to Jen a lot more now and that always helps cheer me up too. She's really enjoying Japan which I figured she would and she's already had some cool adventures but, sadly, has found no buried treasure. :(