Apr 26, 2007 00:18
Tonight at work there was bits of the usual; random group of kids in the Herbarium rocking out to the Fraggle Rock Themesong, Pharmacy students baracading themselves into the Pharmacy Research Center, random students asking questions like "what do you do if people don't leave at midnight?" There was also a rather rambunctious "study group" of young men, who all had that rather beefy "I've drunk too many Lonestars" look. At one point, I had to wander over by them (I think I was doing a headcount) and they gave me a rather odd look. Or they might have given the "Library Staff" tag I was wearing an odd look, I'm not really sure. I smiled at them and kept going, since I'm used to kids expecting to be shushed in the group study areas, even though their permitted to talk there. It's something about the librarian tag that carries the expectation of shushing, and people occasionally get confused when it doesn't happen.
Then, when I was locking up, I noticed that the built-in card catalog drawers, which line the alcove where the group study area is, were pulled out in a clever and witty arrangement to spell out "Twat" in relief. I'm impressed that UT is supporting the education of such youthfully minded individuals; I don't think I've seen that word since 8th grade or so. Particularly not when accompanied by a note card claiming "So-and-so was here." The maturity of it all was quite stunning. And to think these folks were probably in the top 10 percent of their graduating class.