(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 14:39

It's been a while since I wrote anything here. Today I'm not leaving the house again. I ventured out to ASDA earlier with Lucy. It's quite rare we both have a weekend day off together where one of us isn't busy doing something. She's entertaining her parents at the moment and I'm looking forward to Thom coming over later. I have rented 'La Spagnola' out which is an Aussie comedy which is supposed to be the funniest Aussie comedy since 'Muriel's Wedding' which might not be hard as I can't think of any others. It's been a fairly relaxed weekend by my standards. Yesterday I just chilled out and caught up with Lucy who returned from her week away. Friday night was fun. Thom and I went to see Tegan and Sarah at The Social, a venue I always like to go to, for free. He has his ways. Although the duo are a little polished and squeaky and perhaps even MOR on record, live they were powerful and engaging. Quite sweet and likable also. The sound was absolute perfect, which I find to be a rare treat at gigs. I didn't realise that they were both lesbians until it was quickly apparent from the number of lesbians in the audience and I did a little research on Google. One likes to know these things. After that we met Claire and Sali in The Pit, and I met Michael for the first time. He's kindly offered his services to drive a hired van which we are renting for a few hours on the day we move house. He is absolutely lovely, which I imagined he would be, seeing as he volunteered to drive the van for us without even having met us! We headed down to Magenta a little later than planned and spent the night drinking heavily and dancing like a freak. Magenta was a little low on numbers as is traditional, but the venue really suited it and the music was pretty good. I remember dancing wildly to Prince, Nine Inch Nails, Bikini Kill, Smashing Pumpkins and Flogging Molly. Was fun dancing with Sali, chatting with Michael and seeing Thom smiling so much.

I can't wait to move now. I've just grown sick and tired of this house. Not that it isn't nice but we've had a succession of minor problems, it's a little grubby now and we've never done as much with it as we could of done. I'm looking forward to having a new space, and really making an effort with my new room. It will be great to save money moving into Thom's, live with pets, be in a new environment, and of course live with Thom. It's the next logical step in the relationship and it feels really right. I think it will work really well, we're respectful of each other's personal space anyway and we will both have our own room, although we'll probably nearly always sleep in the same room. I'm so eager to get going, I was going to order furniture from Argos ready for delivery a week before I move in but you only have to order a few days before you want it delivered. Most bill companies only require you ringing them a week or two before you move too. I'm just excited and impatient to get going, I guess. We need to sort out the back patio which is covered in moss too, otherwise we're going to see a cut in our deposit for sure. I really don't like our landlord anyway, he's blunt and gruff and unfriendly, and whilst he's never done us any wrong, I don't like to think of him having an excuse to take any of our money.

Was planning on going to do some poi over the field with Lucy, Thom and Mark today but the weather has put pay to that. So I shall await Lucy's parents to leave, Thom to arrive and then take the evening from there.
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