May 28, 2006 21:55
Alrighty! It's been what... like 6 months since I've written anything in here... and even then I don't think I actually wrote anything. Alas, Pat is in Kentucky (haha poor bastard) and I am here, bored out of my mind, feeling like a horrible person for subjecting my poor daughter to sleep in her own bed. It's takin' lotsa strength to not let her get out of bed, but I'm pretty sure that she'll fall asleep in like 2 seconds if I don't go fetch her. Anyhow. School is finally out, thank god. Only 2 more years and I shall be able to help with anyones medical calamities. (ok well... kind of) I quit my hellish job. I'm not exactly sure why it is I stayed so long.... but that is now a non-issue. So, the way things look Christmas of 2006 will be the first one in like 3 or so years that will be spent with family (or in-law family... either way). Oh so interesting... I know. Perhaps in the next month I shall actually update frequently. We'll see. Its not exactly like I live an eventful life. However, there shall be pictures of Sophia to come, and she's way super cute so that'll be worth it :)