Okay I know there a rule thing that goes on the top of the LJ Holiday Wishlist thing but I can't find it now.
I've only got a few things that if someone wanted to do for me, so I'll go ahead and list those. I'm totally be happy with links to existing post that contain any of the following, so log as I haven't already comment to the post. So for the first time since I got this journal 5 and a half years ago, here's the wishlist.
1) Icons. Chris Kane is an obvious option here but any characters I love would be great too. There's a small list near the bottom of my profile page that contains some icon ideas. Otherwise use your imagination or just ask. I've got a couple other ideas that would be great as well. Just ask away.
2) Fic. Any new Kane fic is awesome. But anything off my plotbunny giveaway list post is great too. Again my profile has a fairly decent list of fandoms and pairings. Ask if you have any questions.
3) Music. I'm alway looking for new music. Anything of Chris or Steve's that I don't have would be awesome. Same for Jason Manns. I just heard about Riley's band but I haven't heard anything of theirs yet, so that would be cool. As for anything else there are a few CDs worth of things I want but haven't been able to buy yet. If someone wanted to upload any one of those I'd be thrilled to have them! If you just wanna share something from your favorite band that's cool too.
4) I'd like to know that others are being helped through tough times too. So if you wanna do something for me and none of these are something you wanna try, then here's something that you might wanna try. Help people. Be it as small as dropping money in the bucket next to bell ringing Santas or Donating to Toys for Tots or some other organization. Help out a local soup kitchen or hold a door for a busy Mom with her hands full. I don't mind how you guys take this one but I feel that this is the time of year the people need help most of all. You don't need to do anything huge or even need to tell me what you did, you can just reply with a smiley face if you wish. I just can't help myself like I've done in the past and would love it if you guys could do this too.
5) Paid LJ time. My account expires January 15th. I'd love to have my paid account next year and keep all my icons but I don't have money to spare right now on something like this. All my money has to go towards paying my bills right now. Thank you Thank you Thank you
gigglingkat for getting me my paid account for this year!!!! I love you sweetie! You're the bestest!!!
So there it is fairly simple. Like I said links to existing icons or fics works too. I'm easy.
Many many many many warm and happy and safe wishes to all of you on my flist. I love you all even if it seems crazy around here sometimes. I appreciate every comment that hits my email inbox and I can only hope that I comment enough on each of yours.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS and Hugs to all.
I may not have much online time in the next two days but I hope to get online briefly on Christmas morning. Thursday is Christmas with Dad's side of the family and Friday is Christmas with Mom's side of the family. But since Mom decided against presents here at home this year I'll actually have time for COFFEE and LJ Christmas morning. So I'm looking forward to seeing the difference this year.
So enjoy time with family and friends this week and hopefully I be able to pop online at some point in the next couple days.
*Time for a late dinner and curling up in front of the DVR.*