Dec 26, 2006 14:32
Vegas Vacation.
This is a pretty good time.
So I've done some pretty interesting things.
Some things I've never dreamed of doing.
And the things I did dream of doing, I haven't.
The view is always spectacular.
The mountains are beautiful.
The hotels are beautiful.
The people are beautiful.
I feel beautiful.
The stores are beautiful.
Expensive, but beautiful.
I went into Chanel last night on Christmas and I looked at the
price of a pair of sunglasses.
Those are the most expensive things I've ever seen in my
We're going shopping today.
Too much shopping, I don't have enough
room in my luggage. Looks like I need to have a bigger bag.
Christmas was good. I don't really know
how wonderful it was because it was kind of
weird. All the things I thought I was going
to do, I didn't. I guess that was ok though.
I'm going to dance tonight. Dance,
dance, dance.
Breakfast at Tiffany's is probably the best movie
I've ever seen. I love it. It's probably my favorite,
Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.
I love it. I want to live just like
Holly. She's my favorite lady.
Well for now, I'm going shopping,
and possibly get more clothes
or shoes or handbags.
You can never have enough
Mmmmm, handbags.
I miss everyone, loads and loads.
Miss Jess