Playing around...

Feb 01, 2006 16:33

Last night, I started to play around with some LJ coding to add some extra component boxes to my layout. After a couple of hours of frustration and non-compiling code, I decided that I should try to read the directions from the beginning. Well, whaddya know, that seems to do the trick! I managed to edit my profile box and add the "add a friend" and "my memories" buttons to it at the top right corner of my layout. Whee! But the component box that I was most excited about and which I got to work was the "Tag Cloud" box. It is the fifth box from the top on the right side. In this scrolling box (another bit of coding that I was excited about), all the tags that I've ever used are listed and linked to a page that contains each entry with that tag. SO excited about it.

Check it out and tell me what you think. You have to go to my LJ page (can't see if from your friends' page) to see the new items.


EDIT: The various sizes of the tags are relative to how many times I've used the tag. Re-tagging some entries and consolidating some tags, I think that maya is now the largest tag.

lj, livejournal

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