Didn't I do this one before? Or have I just read it everywhere and am confused?
Don't answer that.
Ok, I was tagged by two people:
scarslet and
xpapergirl Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. Livejournal. I should be doing other things, but I'm not. And yes, I do feel guilty about it. Sometimes.
2. Buying paper/scrapbooking/journaling/craft supplies. I spent about $20 yesterday alone on...pencils (rainbow colored!!), pens (purple and green ones), a 4x5 pad of kraft paper, a 1x3 pad of kraft cards, a journal (don't I already have one or five??), a cool pre-inked brush calligraphy pen (it was only $1!), and 4 packages of origami folding paper (rainbow boat, folded rose and two packs of turtle folding - I only meant to get one, oh well). Actually, that's not bad...
3. Scarves. I think I'm getting addicted to buying beautiful, cozy-looking scarves. I've spent about $20 on four just in the past week. I should start wearing them so I won't continue to feel guilty. It used to be necklaces, big clunky ones. But I actually wear those when I go out and I've stopped buying them in favor of scarves.
4. Coffee and tea. Well, more coffee than tea. I shouldn't drink as much as I do because of my heart condition. But I can't help but crave it. Tea is better for me. And why is that a guilty pleasure? Because I have a lot of it at home, but I don't use it nearly as much as I make coffee.
5. My housekeeper. We never could have this pleasure back in the US, but here it is actually affordable. And if she were ever to quit, I would literally cry. I love how my laundry is done every other day (I put it into the washer before she gets here, she hangs them up and folds and puts away the last load). And how I never have to clean the bathroom. I do dishes myself on the days she doesn't come, but the night before she comes, I load up the sink and don't even think about doing them. I feel guilty, but I'm sure I'll get over that soon. LOL Plus, she's a sweetheart and she's our babysitter.
Ok, tagging time!
sammykate and
wendy_in_md - you guys are it!
damita98 tagged me for this meme. I've seen it around, but hadn't done it yet, so I'm doing it now. LOL
4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
1. Customer Service rep at Sears
2. CALPIRG representative - most hated job ever!
3. Legal secretary at Geffen Records (when there was a Geffen Records!)
4. Office manager/HR for a technology consulting firm (My official title was Chief Operating Officer, but we only had 4 people in the company!)
4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1. LoTR - Fellowship of the Ring
2. LoTR - The Two Towers
3. LoTR - Return of the King
4. probably Serenity (I've only seen it once, and want to see it again soon!)
4 Places You Have Lived:
1. Morrisville, Pennsylvania
2. Charlotte, Michigan
3. Orlando, Florida
4. Los Angeles, California
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:
1. The West Wing
2. Lost
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Law & Order (original and SVU)
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:
1. Bangalore, India
2. Orlando, Florida
3. Guam
4. Tokyo, Japan
4 websites you visit daily:
1. Livejournal blogs
2. non-Livejournal friends' blogs
3. GoPets (forums or the site)
4. Livejournal
4 of your favorite foods:
1. Pho (Vietnaamese Noodle Soup)
2. Dim Sum
3. Sushi
4. Anything my mom cooks *sigh*
4 places you would rather be right now:
1. In North Hollywood, in my house.
2. On a plane going on a trip
3. With family in Seattle
4. In bed...with Chris. (sorry, had to add that)
4 Bloggers You are Tagging:
slave2three So, I got something done this morning that I've been meaning to do for a few weeks now. I was reading my friends page and saw a comment about under-the-bed storage by
shortindiangirl in
sugarandbrine's journal and that gave me the push I needed to finally unpack a box that's been sitting in our bedroom (and being used as a catch-all for our clothes). The box was a tall one and had bedding in it. I got out a bunch of large plastic bags, bagged up the comforters and pillows and extra sheets I brought with us from the US and stuffed them all under our bed. Then I collapsed the box and stuck it on the balcony we're using for storage of all these things related to packing. Now our bed is covered with all the clothes that had been thrown on that box, but I'll put those away this afternoon. It feels good to cross another thing off my list!
It is lunchtime, so I'll update about Sunday in my next post, hopefully later today. It was a good day, contained going out, shopping (as I mentioned in my "guilty pleasures" meme) and sushi. I don't think I'll be whining, so rest easy. ;-)