
Jan 06, 2006 20:53

I know, it's been a while since I updated. Things have been busy. Actually, things have been not that busy, but Chris was home a lot. He had the Mondays and Tuesdays after Christmas and after New Year's off. Two four day weekends in a row. Will wonders never cease? Well, yeah, wonders do cease since he's back at work and the whole year looms ahead of us. Such the optimist.

Anyway, one of the things we did while he had time off was get together with Erik's family and go to a local ski resort for sledding. The one that we went to had two hills dedicated to just sledding. It was so much fun. The girls loved it! And even I went sledding down the hill. Seriously, that's a feat for me. I don't like sports where I feel like I have no control. I haven't gone skiing, I don't sky dive. But when your two-year-old is yelling at the top of her lungs, "Faster, Daddy! Faster, Mommy!", I couldn't say no!

Nadia and I stayed on the smaller hill and Maya and Chris went on the big hill. One time, they started to go really fast and lose some control, so Chris had to put his feet down to slow down. When he did that, some snow got kicked up into Maya's face. And it was COLD there. She didn't enjoy that too much. But other than that, she had a great time. Erik's son, Kyle, didn't enjoy it so much. He was done after two runs, crying and shivering. But my girls kept wanting to go. I have to say, I was proud. Especially of little Nadia. That girl has NO FEAR. Seriously, she kept wanting more. Faster. I'll bet she would have gone on the big hill, no problem. But Mommy wasn't ready and Maya kept wanting to go again. Nadia seemed happy with the little hill though. Hopefully, next time Mommy won't be chicken. :-)

The day was so much fun. We hope to go back for more soon.

And here is what you've been waiting for:

Ski hill at Seoul Resort

Here they come!

I think she's having fun!

Maya after her first run on the BIG hill!

Wipe out!

That's Chris and Maya on the sled. Chris is laughing at Erik, the one on the right who had just wiped out!

Mommy and Nadia on the sled.

Maya and Nadia

Maya always had to have her green sled and Nadia had to always have her yellow one.

Mommy and Maya after our last run.

family, winter, maya, snow, new experiences, nadia, out and about, pictures

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