On the island part 2

Jan 01, 2010 18:07

Title: On the Island
Rating: PG now R later
Pairing: Miranda/Donna
Summary: Miranda and Andrea go to the Island for a vacation and Miranda gets the shock of a lifetime when she meets Donna.
Disclaimer: I don't own DWP and MM
Sorry FF addict 555 for this being so late but things have been so crazy here...I promise I will finish this as soon as possible. Hope this is what you wanted.

As Andrea looked closer she noticed that the two women were complete opposites of each other. Where Miranda was more slender and held herself rigid and unmoving, Donna was slightly more curvy and moved constantly as though she was moved by the wind. Her long blonde hair was falling out of its up do and falling around her face. Miranda’s still perfect hairstyle was unmoving despite the fact that she never used hairspray. Miranda’s hairstyle was too afraid to move.
But what was different about Miranda was that she seemed to loose the ability to speak so Andrea jumped in, “Hi you must be Donna. I’m Andrea and this is Miranda, nice to meet you.” At the sound of her name Miranda jumped back into action and extended her hand though her face went slightly red. Andrea’s evil mind kicked in, looks like there is more to Miranda than we thought.
“Nice to meet you two, come on let’s get you checked in and settled. You two need a shower after being on that thing they call a boat.” Miranda and Andrea nodded in sync and followed the lively woman as she bounced over to her car. Miranda looked at it and swallowed deeply, and Andrea nudged her with her elbow as her hands were full of luggage and Miranda smiled grimly. Another new fact about Miranda, thought Andrea, she doesn’t like jeeps.
One Hell raising ride up the hill and Miranda’s nails made permanent residence in Andrea’s arm. Please let go, thought Andrea, please let go.
“Okay,” said Donna once they had climbed the stairs, and while Andrea was cursing their existence because she was in the back and had to stare and Miranda’s ass. Miranda seemed to be loving the stairs as she had her crystal like blue eyes seemingly glued to Donna’s ass. “I put you two in rooms across from each other. Is that alright or would you like more privacy?”
“That will be fine,” Miranda said and signed her name with curvy elegant letters. Was everything that woman did perfect?
It was a few hours later that Andrea stood in front of Miranda’s door. Well the woman had said that they were going to be on vacation. But that mean that she had the right to try to interfere with the woman’s private life? She knew that the proper answer was no and yet she stayed in front of the door. There was something about the way Miranda’s eyes sparkled when she looked at Donna that made Andrea want to help the older woman. God knows she needed help where emotions were concerned. And so she paused and gathered up her courage.
Knock. There she had done it, see that wasn’t so bad. “Come in,” she heard. Well she didn’t sound annoyed so that was good. Here goes nothing.
“Hi, Miranda,” Andrea said as she walked in and looked at Miranda who was stretched out on her bed flipping through a book.
“Andrea, hello, sit down you are tall enough already without hovering over me.” Miranda glared up at Andrea who plopped down on the edge of the bed.
“You like her,” she blurted out. Wow that could have been done with more grace, she thought as Miranda choked on air. She was now trying to glare at Andrea but her eyes were so wide that the effect was lost on Andrea.
“What?!” Miranda said when she recovered the ability to speak.
“I saw you checking out Donna, you like her. She made your eyes twinkle.” Andrea said trying to imagine that it was one of her best friends she was talking to not Miranda. She had to get herself into that mindset for this conversation to have a snowball’s chance in hell.
“I was checking her out….what my eyes were twinkling? My eyes never twinkle. Hold on, let’s address one topic at a time. I like Donna, and you noticed I was checking her out because my eyes twinkled. Something you have never seen on me, am I getting the general idea?”
“Yes, so what are you going to do?”
“Even if you were right, which I’m not saying you are, there is no way I would do anything. In case you haven’t noticed the woman is straight, and has a daughter or did you miss her young clone running around here. And besides that she lives in Greece and there would be no chance of a relationship. And lest we forget the most important and obvious reason for not perusing anything. I am Miranda Priestly.” Leave it to Miranda to throw a whole bunch of stuff for her to sort through at once. Great.
“Okay one at a time, I know that according to the rules you should never disagree with Miranda but I think you and I both know that you are lying.” Miranda just glared as she seemingly searched Andrea’s face for something. Andrea just looked back at her and remained quiet. There was something going on in Miranda’s mind and if Andrea wanted to have a real conversation with Miranda she had to realized that she had to let Miranda set the pace.
“I need to walk,” that was what came our of Miranda’s mouth. Okay, thought Andrea, this is progress. She is not shutting down, just saying that she can’t do this here.
“Let’s go down to the beach, its easier to think there,” and when Miranda nodded they wandered down the stairs. Unfortunately once they hit the last step Andrea saw Donna out of the corner of her eye. Oh great, this could be really good or really bad. She wasn’t sure how Miranda would react when her defenses were so low.
“Miranda,” Donna said as she walked by, Miranda nodded and headed out the door.
“Years of practice,” she said to Andrea once they were out of earshot, referring to her ability to look as though she didn’t care. It was true Miranda was the master at looking like she didn’t care. They walked the rest of the distance in silence and once they hit the beach Andrea took off for the water kicking her shoes into the sand. Miranda rolled her eyes but followed Andrea, picking up her shoes as she did. As Andrea giggling and played with the waves Miranda sat in the sand and watched Andrea wear herself out.
This was good for Miranda as well as Andrea. It seemed that Andrea missed the ocean and it gave Miranda the chance to think. Donna, she thought. She was the kind of woman that Miranda had always wanted to date. Those gorgeous curves and that beautiful blonde hair that Miranda longed to run her fingers through. Yes she could admit that to herself but could she admit it to Andrea. Andrea who seemed to intent on helping her. Why, was that? Miranda was confused, but before she could question her and her motivations Andrea plopped down beside her.
“I love the water, I think I was a fish as a past life,” she said and laid her head on Miranda’s leg. Miranda looked down at her odd assistant and burst out laughing.
“What on earth is wrong with you, or have you always been this strange?”
“Always been this strange this is just how I act around my friends.”
“So I’m a friend?”
“I’d like you to be.” Miranda smiled and nodded which was her was of saying me too.
“I am attracted to Donna,” Miranda said while keeping her eyes out at the ocean.
“Wow, good for you. So what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know, I have the feeling that if I want anything to happen I am going to have to make the first move but I have never made the first move before.”
“Never, really?”
“Nope men always came up to me, even when I was younger and unknown and I dated women, I was always perused. I batted my eyelashes and crossed my legs. I don’t know how to let someone know that I am not only interested but make the first move without looking like an idiot.”
“Okay wow, and here I was thinking that you were this self confident, can’t do anything wrong. Always know the right thing to say kind of woman. It’s nice to know that even you are insecure at times.” Miranda just glared and pulled her leg away making Andrea’s head hit the sand, “ouch, okay sorry forgot rule number one.”
“Oh really what’s that?”
“Never piss off a dragon.”
“Or an ice queen,” she said with a gleam in her eye, then added, “so first move what are we thinking? Do I just start talking to her or well how would you handle this? You seem to be the better people person.”
“Talk to her, invite her on a walk or help her cook, can you cook?”
“No, I’m a terrible cook actually. But I can learn can’t I?”
“I have no doubt that you can do anything you set your mind to. But remember Miranda you are so much prettier when you let your eyes sparkle, they light up your face. Let her in, and show her that there is another side of Miranda Priestly. If you do I have no doubt that she will fall for you.” Andrea said and before Miranda could reply she walked away, she knew that in this moment Miranda needed to center herself and make her decision on her own. Andrea would gladly help Miranda after she made the first step but that first step had to be made by Miranda and Miranda alone.
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