Secret Santa 2009

Dec 30, 2009 14:19

Title: On the Island
Rating: PG now R later
Pairing: Miranda/Donna
Summary: Miranda and Andrea go to the Island for a vacation and Miranda gets the shock of a lifetime when she meets Donna.
Disclaimer: I don't own DWP and MM
Sorry FF addict 555 for this being so late but things have been so crazy here...I promise I will finish this as soon as possible. Hope this is what you wanted.

Just another day in the life of being Miranda’s Priestly’s first assistant thought Andrea Sachs as she settled into the seat across from her boss. Thank god for Donatella’s plane. They had it all to themselves so Andrea was not forced to sit next to Miranda and Miranda was not forced to have someone in her bubble. Andrea wasn’t actually sure what she was doing here as Miranda was supposed to be on vacation but as everyone knows you never ask Miranda anything.
It was two weeks ago when Miranda stormed into the office and summoned Andrea into the office. “I want to go on vacation for two weeks starting the 12th. Plan it.” There was no that’s all but that was not unusual as Miranda had been cutting back on that since page six had mentioned how it was her catchphrase. Apparently that was so not okay in Miranda world.
But now was not the time to be wondering about what went on in Miranda’s mind. She had more important things to worry about, like where Miranda wanted to go on vacation. So for the next three days Andrea complied various vacation packages for Miranda everything from skiing to cruises to tropical. There had to be something she wanted. Then at the last minute she added a two week package to stay at an inn atop a hill on an island at Greece. It was remote and you had to get there by ferry so she really didn’t think Miranda would like it but hey you never know.
“Miranda I have several different options for you to choose from. When you know I can make your reservations.”
“Make sure to make two and update your passport you’re coming too.”
“Of course Miranda,” she said as she walked out.
Well surprise of all surprises Miranda chose the Grecian Island. Okay I guess she wanted secluded, thought Andrea as she riffled through the closet with Nigel’s help to try to find the perfect outfits to wear to Greece. But it seemed like this time even Nigel was having a hard time finding clothes. “Sorry six but she’s never brought someone on vacation with her so I am at a loss as to what you are going to be doing.” In the end they decided on a wide variety from cutoff jean shorts to flowing Chanel skirts and then Andrea would be able to gauge Miranda on her reactions and her clothes.
“Andrea I want you to stay in touch with Emily and Nigel and every night bring me the digital copy of the book. Then you will email my notes back in the morning other than that your time is yours. I wish to relax and that is why you are with me. You are of course more than welcome to come with me when I go out on day trips or you can entertain yourself.” Andrea’s jaw dropped as she looked at Miranda but nodded her response. She was getting a vacation, an amazing vacation. Thank you Miranda.
“Thank you Miranda.” Miranda allowed a small smile to grace her features and then turned her attention to her book and the silence surrounded them.
Well the happiness ended right about the time they saw the ferry. Miranda started pursing her lips at the boat, if you could call it a boat. “We are supposed to get on that?”
“Yes I would not sit, lets stand at the front last on first off kind on idea,” said Andrea and Miranda nodded. Well the girl was smart, no fashion sense but she was smart.
“Okay now where do we go,” asked Andrea as soon as they got off the boat. They were standing with their luggage at their feet and looking around. It was beautiful, just like the pictures on the website. When Andrea had called to make the reservations she had spoken to a very nice woman named Donna who said that she would be there to pick them up and take them to the Inn. Now the only question was, where was this Donna?
“Miranda!?” Miranda turned her head around looking for the source of her name. Andrea noticed first and pointed. Together they gathered their luggage and began the walk along the wooden plank, trying not to fall on the uneven boards in their high heels. Suddenly Miranda, who was in front, stopped and Andrea ran right into the back of her.
“What,” said a confused Andrea who looked up and around Miranda’s back to come face to face with Donna. Oh, wow, she thought as she looked at Miranda this is going to get interesting.
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