Angelo at Zepp Tokyo

Jan 22, 2009 16:17

Okay, so I'm going a little out of order with my reports. Oh well. -_-; I'm also slacking... well partially because it's hard to get onto the computer at my house and partially because I keep forgetting a lot of stuff. But continuing on...

The route to Zepp Tokyo is really scenic. You have to take a monorail onto the island in Tokyo Bay that it`s located on. You pass by Tokyo Tower and the Rainbow Bridge... actually you go over the Bridge. Now I know why they call it such... There are lights that make it rainbow-y. It is rather pretty... for a bridge. Zepp is just right off the station platform so it`s really easy to get to.

We got in line and the 3 of us: RA, Sana & I, were totally last in line. ...but were not the last to enter... ::shrug:: As we were standing and waiting for our numbers to be called, we saw from across the crowd this really awesome looking Kirito cosplayer! I have no idea if it was a guy or a girl but they were really good looking! After we got into the venue we stopped at the merch booths (because there were more than one) and bought stuff... Lots of stuff. The pictures for the Lotto Pamphlets, at least the ones that I got, are really pretty. Anyways, so the 3 of us stuffed our stuff in a locker and went in. We tried to get somewhere in the middle of the crowd but that was not happening so we went to the back. We found a small spot on the left but decided it was too small so we moved over to the right side and ended up about 3rd row from the back. But we could see the whole stage for the most part and the really good-looking Kirito cosplayer was caddy corner behind us, so it was fine. ^^;

The show started on time. The announcement of the tour was given, the lights went down and the opening SE began.

Angelo: Tour 08-09 「NATURAL BORN ULTIMATE CHILD」 Jan 2 -fri- Zepp Tokyo

I didn`t keep a setlist even though I am usually good about that, so the songs that they played were as follows but not in this order:
Danmatsuma ni Mimi Sumashite
Destruction impulse
End Symptom (New)
Takeo & Kohta duet

Kirito came out in his SISTER outfit though I think it was slightly different, like he found a top that was the same plaid pattern as the bottom. I like his little fake skirt outfits, they look cute on him. RA believes that the reason he moves around as he does is so he can see his skirt swish around because he kept looking down at himself as he moved. XD SISTER was definitely the first song and ULTIMATE WORLD was the second. After that it's vague.

The two new songs came up somewhere in the middle of the set. The first one was "End Symptom". He did announced the title to that one though it sounded funny when he said it. It was an alright song. Hopefully it will sound a little better on the recording but "MULTI PERSONALITY" (which I assume was the second one because he didn`t announce the title for that song) was super catchy! The beginning (and I think the end) started with him singing a line (or was it a few guitar riffs... crap, I can't remember now. DX) and then the audience would yell a word back at him though for the life of me I could not understand what the crowd was yelling back. I can tell you it was a two syllable word but I've no idea what it was. D: Regardless, I can`t wait to have a recorded version for that one at least.

One personal note: during the live, in the middle they decided to perform CREATURE. Now I have never been to a Pierrot concert so this was the first Pierrot song I've ever heard live. I had seen that in the beginning of the tour they were performing a Pierrot song or two at the lives then so I made a mental note of this in the back of my mind but then I completely forgot about it so when the song was played on the 2nd, it caught me completely by surprise. I remember hearing the first couple of chords and then whipping myself around and spazzing on RA who had no idea what my malfunction was. Oops. In a way, it was a personal moment for myself - hearing a song of my favorite band still being sung by its original singer whom I hold in such high esteem. I will admit I closed my eyes for much of the song so as to not see 'Angelo' performing it. While I realize this rendition of the song does sound different because the guitar parts had to be reworked some but the vocals were the same and that's what I pay attention to; that's what caught me the first time I ever heard a song by Pierrot.

But back to the matter at hand... Kirito was getting a cold/getting over a cold/in the middle of having a cold and during SIGN when he went to hit the high notes he cracked really badly. During one of the MC's he coughed and then excused himself. As he was talking later, we could hear a coughdrop clicking around in his mouth. But dispite all that, he still sounded pretty good for the rest of the show, I think.

I really don`t remember a whole lot from the MC`s. I did make out a lot of stuff about wishing us a happy new year and about it being 'Heisei 21' and such and that Tokyo is cool. Though I think it was before they played CEREMONY, Kirito was saying something about Kohta or introducing him... I don`t remember now... but he started calling him `Aniki` in the cutest voice ever! XD And then it went into the bass part at the beginning of the song. The only other thing I remember specifically is at the end when the 4 of them were at the front of the stage, Kirito had Takeo say something. But before he handed Takeo the mic, he said something like, "Tonight`s live was great, blah blah blah.. Okasan!" and hands the mic to Takeo who seemed both amused and embarrassed by that. I remember nothing from Kohta`s MC but Takeo`s introduction MC was pretty much the same as he always does, "Minna... Genki desu ka? Genki desu ka?! Genki desu ka!!!!"

During HE IS A MONKEY, Kirito took to imitating said animal again as he did at the LA live. I assume he does that regularly now. Though, this time he walked over to Kohta and did it to him, scratching the top of Kohta`s head and his chin. It was adorable♥ He also did that 'Arms stretched out and swing his head' move that I've not seen him do since the 'Easter For Treason' tour when I first saw them. It made me kinda nostalgic and then made me laugh because I remembered how funny we all thought it was that first time. :)

There was also this one point during Holocaust (maybe) that Kirito was messing with a group on the one side of the stage. There were these platforms set up on the sides of the stage so the band could climb up and stand slightly out to the sides. So on the right side (my right, his left) he was up there and he was trying tho get the crowd right there to do something. Either they weren`t headbanging or something, but he kept beckoning for them to do something and apparently they weren`t so he had this little mock hissy-fit, pounding on the railing in front of him but grinning the whole time. It was rather funny.

The show ended with the usual throwing of picks and towels and stuff and then Kirito yelling out, "Domo Arigatou" without the mic. And then he proceeded to yell out other stuff that I could hear despite being in the back of the venue but couldn`t understand. And, of course, what would a live be without Kirito blogging about it:

See? Aaaaaaallllllllll the way in the back. Defiantly can't see us.
Yup, stole this from his blog too. 8P

So the show ended and we started to make our way out. Just so you know, Zepp Tokyo is hot as balls in the back area, even with no one really around you. >0 And then we couldn`t even get to the drink counter. Hell, we were lucky to make it to our locker. But that's besides the point...

Sana & I found the vending machines outside while RA ran back to the merch line really quick. As we were walking out to leave, we spotted the Kirito cosplayer again. I was a weeny and couldn't ask for a picture but Sana had the balls to do it. So he.. she... the person was happy to pose:

I think they looked even better in person. It's Kirito's outfit that he wore for the DOGMATIC PARTY 07 -Case of Angelo- (I think it was 07).
It would look better if they didn't cover their face because the cosplayer had really fitting cheekbones. ...AND I LOVE THE TATTOOS!

In case you're wondering what the actual outfit looked like:


kirito, angelo

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