Peace & Smile Carnival

Jan 18, 2009 02:20

Hmmm.... let's see what I can remember...

We got over to the Budokan sometime after 1pm. We got into the merch line which extended down from the Budokan into this little courtyard outside of its gates where the line zig-zagged a bunch of times and then made its way out of the outside gate and down the long hill to the street below. I didn't keep track but everyone else said we were in the line for about 4 hours.

This is near the top of the long hill outside the courtyard area.

While in line we saw lots and lots of cosplayers. I didn't bring my camera so I didn't get any pictures but I did see a Kagrra, group that made me go, "Woooooooooooooowwwww. *______*" The Isshi was so pretty. There were a bunch of Miyavis running around and lots of Gazette cosplayers. Reita, of course, was the most popular. AND ALMOST ALL OF THEM LOOKED LIKE BECKY! :O The few COCKROACH Ruki cosplayers that I saw made me go, "Tsk, your hat is wrong. Mine is better." Am I being pretentious by saying that? Probably. But I digress... While standing in line, we also got accosted by musicjapan+ people asking about fashion checks or something. I didn't participate.

So eventually, we got up into the actual Budokan area and could actually see the merchandise booths when Jazz finally found us. We still had to go get our tickets so Jess gave Jazz her card and stuff and I gave RA my money for merch (all I wanted was the tour book) and made my way out of line (as we were then in a gated off area) to go with Jazz and get the tickets. After finding the spot we needed to be at, the guy told Jazz that Jess had to be the one to pick up the tickets as she needed to present her passport which I had a feeling was going to happen since that's what they did at X Japan. We also found out that they were issuing the tickets on a first-come-first-serve basis. So since I was able to get tickets then, the guy had me look at the chart to find a spot for all eight of us. There was a large area on the map that looked like it was near what was supposed to be the front. He said he could stick 6 people in the one row and 2 behind. I said it was fine since two of the people in our group were girls that, I guess, Jess knows and weren't really with our group per se... So the guy said he'd hold Jess' tickets until she got there so we'd be able to all sit together. That was really awesome of him. ^^

After Jess got there & got her tickets, we made our way back to the main pathway so everyone else could find us once they got out of the merchandise line. Once we all found each other, we stood around and people-watched for a little while. While standing about, we saw this one guy (and it was a guy) who looked like Uruha. From a distance, he was dead on. We all just gawked at him for awhile. He just kind of looked like Uruha came out and was trying to blend in with the other cosplayers. I know Sana went over and got a picture of him. Not me, sorry.

At one point, miyavi decided to come out onto the second balcony and cause a ruckus for little while. All we heard were fans screaming for 10 minutes. Also, outside the one enterance, there were flowers for the bands set up. Gackt sent Miyavi flowers, GLAY sent Gazette flowers and SUGIZO & Yoshiki / X Japan sent some too. I think MUCC sent some as well and I think I also saw SID as a sender but someone else's flowers were in the way so I couldn't make out the first character properly. Eventually we decided it was time to make our way into the arena. We found the line and went in. On our way in, somehow Sana got her camera confiscated. Seriously? Anyways, we found where we had to go and followed the crowd down through the hallways and out onto the ground floor. We were really close. We were in the second row of the second section back from the stage between the far left and the center. So I was able to actually make out faces on the musicians on the stage! Actually, the set-up was a full 360 degree view of the stage which was pretty cool. So we got ourselves situated and waited for the concert to start.

PS COMPANY: The 10th anniversary commemorative performance 「Peace&Smile Carnival」 Jan 3rd -sat- Nippon Budokan

This concert had two opening bands, SuG and Screw. Their set lists were:

Love Scream Party

Death's door

I remember SuG coming out and being too entirely cute! Though Takeru's hair still bothered me: pink and curly. .____. I assume they were dressed in the outfits from there latest look... I know Takeru's hair was. RA & I both wanted them to play Love Scream Party as that is our favorite song from them so we were ecstatic when that was played. Vi-Vi-Vi is also fun live and at that point I was really excited that we were going to see a one-man by them at the end of our trip.

Screw did a really good performance too. I like the song VEGAS so I was glad they played that. I assume they were decked out in their current threads as well.

After each of their performances, videos were shown on the screens while the stage was taken down and put back up for the next band. I don't remember what they showed for SuG but I do remember them showing a little advertisement for their one-man at Liquidroom Ebisu that we were going to. For Screw, they showed their Gather Roses PV which, as Jess said, was like soft porn. Yeah, it was pretty hot. o.O

So the opening bands finished and finally miyavi and Keiyuu came out in traditional Japanese hakama & kimono. The two of them looked so handsome. I think Miyavi was in mostly white and Keiyuu was reversed, being mostly in black (or I could have that switched...) Anyways, I think they wished everyone a Happy New Year and probably spoke of the concert and/or it being 10 years or something. So they left and eventually a video started to announce the starting band. It was going to be Kagrra,. The video they had for the first P&S Carnival Tour was the one they had played for this concert too.

Shigatsu Tsuitachi

Before hand, we were discussing what songs we'd like to hear by them and D said that it'd be awesome if they'd play Kotodama since that was their first demo as Kagrra. So each member of the band came out one-by-one to take their places, Isshi being last. The lights were down for all of this so you couldn't really see what was going on on the stage. I could see that whatever Isshi had on was big because he was followed by two stage hands who spread out his outfit behind him before they left the stage. The lights went up to reveal Isshi in a long cloak and an oni mask. Then he whipped the cloak and mask off as the opening chords to Kotodama started to play. We all quickly looked around at each other like, 'No fucking way?!' and went back to enjoying the performance. Kagrra, was the second band I went their to see so I highly enjoyed their performance. JRev just wasn't enough for me. Also, they all had on such wonderful outfits: kimono-like, colorful ensembles.

Between performances, as the stage was being reset for the next band, they had 'back-stage interviews' showing on the screens. Isshi and Nao were interviewed for Kagrra,. I have no idea what they were talking about. All I know is that when Nao wasn't being asked a question, he would just stare dead-on at the camera (o.o) and then come out of his spacing when asked something. At one point, the camera shifted over to just Isshi so then Nao leaned over to get into the camera's frame and coninue with his (o.o). It was really damn funny. [AND YES JESS, WHY CAN'T THEY MAKE-OUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!??!?? DDDDDDDDDDD: THE TORTURE, THE TORTURE!] Oh yeah, I don't remember if it was before or after, but they played their Uzu PV.

Next up was Kra.

Renjou Fisorofii
Mutaku to Mutaku to
Amaoto wa Shopan no Suirabe
Buriki no Hata

When I first heard Kra, I didn't really like them. But after seeing the DVD for the first Peace&Smile Carnival Tour, I was deeply impressed with Keiyuu's live vocals and this performance didn't disappoint either. Keiyuu can project his voice wonderfully (and I want to pick him up and carry him away in my pocket 8) ). Even in an arena that size, I could hear him without his mic. Their performance opened with Keiyuu coming out and doing a little solo on the piano. I assumed it was for Amaoto wa Shopan no Suirabe but they didn't play that until later. Instead they started with artman which was fine because I like that song. They did a really fun performance and I think if they were ever around my way, I'd pay to go see them.

So they finished and the PV for Marry was shown (and really random... I just looked at the cover for their next album and the guy on there looks like what's-his-face from the SAW movies... O.O ...and the album title...? alrighty then...). The PV was really awesome. It reminded some of us of a Psycho le Cemu PV... fun and colorful and kinda crack~ish. I think for their interview, it was Keiyuu and Yasuno. I've no idea what they said and even if I could understand them, I probably wouldn't remember anyway because at this point Sana, RA and I were all, "Who gonna be next? Gazette or alice nine.? Who's gonna be next," at each other. It ended up being alice nine..

the beautiful name
Blue Planet

To be honest, the only thing I really remember from their performance was Saga climbing up on the one speaker for awhile and when he went to get down, he jumped down but his feet slipped out from under him and he fell hard and flat on his ass. That was fucking hilarious! I liked their performance, it was a good set... though I would have liked to hear NINE HEADS RODEO SHOW but it's fine now. alice nine. is another band that, at first, I didn't really care for them but my friend(s) turned me onto them. Shou's vocals (like Keiyuu's) have improved drastically and despite some of the band's... shortcomings, I still enjoy their music and their retardedness.

I don't remember what PV played for them, but for their interview Shou and Tora were the ones to be interviewed; I've no idea what they talked about, don't ask.

Finally, the one band I came to see! ::squeesqueesquee:: I noticed that before Gazette took the stage, all of a sudden there were a lot more security around. They expected us to get that wild? Anyway...

Filth in the beauty
LINDA~candydive Pinky heaven~

O. M. F. G. !
They took the stage and I was completely floored. They were all so fucking beautiful, an adjective I haven't used for them or any individual member in a very long time! All five of them came out in full kimono, haori & what looked like andon bakama (undivided hakama) ensembles and ♥Ruki♥ didn't have that curly rat's nest he's been sporting for awhile and his hair was utterly gorgeous♥ and Aoi looked like he actually washed his hair thoroughly and Kai looked as freaking adorable as always♥ I'm going to be honest with you, I don't really remember what went on on stage because my eyes were glued to Ruki and when they weren't on him I was in a constant state of head-banging. I can say that LEECH is great live. I think it took me hearing it live to really think it was a good song. Upon first hearing it, it kind of sucked, but then it started to grow on me, but now I like it. DISCHARGE... aaaaahhhhhhhh!! XDDDDD Lovelovelovelove! and and and and LINDA ::clap clap clapclapclap:: ^__________________________^ It was 5 songs of complete awesomeness! It wasn't enough, I need a one-man by them! T________T But I digress... Ruki's screaming is impressive. He can get really high. When their set was over, the only time I really looked at Reita was when he came to the front of the stage and decided to throw his bass into the air. I remember looking over at RA and watching her eyes follow the bass into the air and then her starting to breathe again as he caught it. The last to leave the stage was, of course, Kai. He had his kimono sleeves tied back so you could see his arms... his arms are so sexy. Poor Uruha, I gave him no love. u_u After they all left the stage, I sat back down in anticipation of their backstage interview only to be disappointed. The "interview" consisted of the camera following Kai through the hallway in the back and Kai talking but no sound coming through and then Kai putting his hand up to the camera and then the screen going completely blank. Yo, de~nied. D: I don't think they even showed a PV for them. Blast. ); But they did give an advertisement for a new single, DISTRESS AND COMA coming out in March & for a concert for their 7th birthday aptly entitled [7-seven].

As we were waiting for miyavi, Jess told me that while Gazette was performing, the camera man was going around and decided to focus on our section the most. D8 Crap! Well, hopefully Jess' magical powers will make them want to put her side of the section in the DVD and leave me out of it. 8P

So, miyavi was up next. Only he can sport multi-colored stockings and cut-off jean shorts and a wife-beater and look normal doing it. (-____-);

Aishiteru kara Hajimeyou
Kabuki Danshi -KAVKI BOIZ-
Aho Matsuri - Ahho Matsuri -
Shouri no V-Rock!!
Saki Hokoru Hana no you ni - Neo Visualizm -
As U r - Kimi wa Kimi no Mama de -

They showed a video of his world tour on the screens, showing clips from the Anaheim and LA shows. He didn't have the KAVKI BOIZ with him anymore but I think one of them was there and 2...? dancers from the past, I think. I'm really glad he played Aho Matsuri. I think of Kitto everytime I hear it, I don't know why. Yay for the hand flippy song. But near the end of that song, members from the other bands came out and danced along to the song. I don't remember who all came out though. -_-; His final MC apparently consisted of him saying something about not wanting to be known as a Japanese VK artist but a world VK artist.

After miyavi's set was finished, he called all of the other bands out onto the stage; SuG and Screw went off to the sides on the walkways while the main bands horse-shoed the main stage. They made band introductions again and Keiyuu went around and interviewed a member from each band, starting with SuG. It was usually the vocalist but with Gazette, Kai did the talking. Also, when it was Kra's turn, Keiyuu interviewed himself. It was really cute! ^^ There was a huge, something, sitting in the middle of the stage that miyavi and Keiyuu were talking about which was eventually revealed to be a huge drum of sake. A member from each of the bands (each of the main bands... I don't think SuG or Screw participated in this part) went to the barrel and grabbed a mallet to break open the sake drum. Obviously miyavi was there with a mallet. I know Ruki came up for Gazette and Isshi came up for Kagrra, but I don't rememeber alice nine or Kra... though it was probably Keiyuu for Kra. The rest of the bands held hands and they had the audience hold hands in the air too. On the count of three, we were to jump into the air as they cracked open the sake barrel to ring in the new year. On three, they brought the mallets down and silver streamers flew into the air.

When the show was completely done, Jazz ran out and got us all some streamers since they didn't quite make it back to us (and speaking of... where did I put my streamers??? o.o). So the bands all left the stage and the 'credits' video played. I don't remember if it was before the credits or after the credits but one little clip advertising the release of the P&S Carnival DVD flashed across the screen saying 'April 15th' as the release date.

The show was done and we made our way out through the crowd and down out of the Budokan. On our way down the long hill to the street below, there were bands handing out flyers. Apparently one of the guys from DELUHI was there handing out fliers and so was VelBet and Danger Gang. I ended up passing by the bands I'd never heard of and got flyers from all of them. ::shrug:: The next day, my neck hurt hard. Gazette busted it. :O But it was worth it!

miyavi, screw, kra, gazette, kagrra, alice nine, sug

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