So I watched the first Episode of Game of Thrones

Sep 21, 2011 21:32

I broke down and watched the first episode. I've been not really avoiding it, but not really going out of my way to do it out of laziness and strange loyalty to Legend of the Seeker.

Anyway, my first impressions are under the cut. If you comment, remember I'm on ep1 S1, so don't spoil me too much. <3

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!show review, !recap, fandom: game of thrones, !hopeful pris is hopeful

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Comments 37

confessorlove September 22 2011, 02:53:59 UTC
I like Game of Thrones a lot and have seen all the episodes but I have to agree with you. This is not a replacement for is too different from LotS to be considered a replacement in my mind and you are completely right about the difference between GoT and LotS being similar to that between Camelot and Merlin. I like all four shows but they are all very different and could not replace each other.


pristineungift September 23 2011, 01:44:34 UTC
Most definitely.


screamingintune September 22 2011, 03:02:07 UTC
I gave up about halfway through the pilot, so I must have quit before it stopped being obscenely boring.

And no, that's like comparing Battlestar Galactica to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Apples and oranges. And much like Battlestar Galactica, I found GoT to be really dreary and grey. And a little bit like it was taking itself too seriously, which is always a danger in high fantasy. One of the great things about Seeker is that it didn't take itself too seriously, but it still had a healthy focus on quality.


angstbunny September 22 2011, 03:49:23 UTC
That's really apt actually. GoT is totally BSG.


pristineungift September 23 2011, 01:46:37 UTC
Yeah I struggled, but it stopped being boring about 35 minutes in when people actually arrived places and other things happened.

I've never been able to bring myself to watch the entire pilot of BSG. I'm just......... *wanders off.* Plus BSG has festoony issues.

And yes, like we've said on MSN, a lot of the fun of Seeker was that they let themselves be fun!


brontefanatic September 22 2011, 03:16:32 UTC
I'm a huge fan of the ASOIAF books, so I can't be very objective ( ... )


borg_princess September 22 2011, 07:37:24 UTC
Re: ontd_asoiaf. I've had a look at it a few times, and it keeps saying membership is closed, so...just checked it out now and nothing's changed. >_< I don't suppose you have any idea when they might open it up again? Or am I being dense and missing something?


brontefanatic September 22 2011, 12:17:32 UTC
The mods close it off and on because of the influx of new members. They have promised it WILL be open again -just keep an eye out.

Sorry - It was open just recently, and I didn't realize it had been closed again. Status will change.


pristineungift September 23 2011, 01:48:53 UTC
I'll admit Bex, my biggest motivating factor is that you like it, so it can't be that bad. And you know how I like stories where the heroes are not clear, so... I'm hanging in there to see if I end up liking it.

I'll keep an eye out for the membership to the ontd being opened again, and if I still need it after the 2nd episode, I'll look at the HBO thing. I'm kind of enjoying making up my own names for the characters though. >_>


angstbunny September 22 2011, 03:48:01 UTC
GoT is NOTHING like LotS. They may both belong in the fantasy genre, but it's totally apples and oranges. I really enjoyed GoT. I love political intrigue and machinations, so the show is great on that aspect. Beware of pointless sex and nudity, because it's HBO and they like to flaunt that it's HBO. And yeah, GoT is really dreary and srs bizness, and while it has its moments of levity, there isn't the sense of humor that LotS has. LotS is quite fun a lot of the times, but GoT is mostly doom and gloom and death and misery.


pristineungift September 23 2011, 01:49:59 UTC
Yes, this is exactly the vibe I'm getting. I'm just waiting to see if they'll actually hold me interest, or if it will be sort of the same reaction I had to Spartacus: mild interest, and watching only the episodes my favorite actors are in.


angstbunny September 23 2011, 20:14:06 UTC
I couldn't get past the first episode of Spartacus. IDK if evilgmbethy told you the story of how we watched that together and we just couldn't finish the first episode. Not even the promise of Craig Parker awesomeness and omg Lucy Lawless helped. With that said, it's really really sad about Andy Whitfield, don't know if you heard about that. He passed away from cancer. :( :( :(


pristineungift September 23 2011, 21:42:23 UTC
Oh yes, Bethy and I have talked about Spartacus at length. It really does get better around episode three. But on the whole I'm not really super interested in it unless it's a Craig Parker or Brooke Williams episode.

And yeah, I saw about Andy Whitfield. I follow the Sparty LJ comms in case they post Brooke Williams stuff creepy stalker. It is really sad, but unpopular opinion time: I feel like the fans are being kind of really tacky and tasteless about it. I just keep seeing post after post of the fans grief, etc. and it feels like to me that they're sort of cheapening the grief of everyone who actually knew him. Not to mention some of the fan tributes are really tactless and almost disgusting.

But then, I have a very firm policy of maintaining a sense of professionalism as a fan. I had a similar reaction when everyone was flipping out about Bridget Regan having a baby.


fancies_of_fae September 22 2011, 05:51:51 UTC
Finally someone who feels like me! I was starting to think there's something wrong with me, be I had to fight very hard to be able to watch all ten episodes. Maybe it's because I haven't read the books either.
It all cleared up for me around episode three or four, and from that point on it was easier to remember who's who and what's his name. (But really, who cares when there's Sean Bean swinging a broadsword? I wouldn't care if the rest of the cast were penguins. :D)


pristineungift September 23 2011, 01:51:31 UTC
Is Sean Bean the Savage Horse Man? /fails at knowing actors' names.

And yes, I don't think this will become a passion for me, at least not based on the first episode. But I liked it enough to keep going, at least for Savage Horse Man and his Malfoy Wannabe.


fancies_of_fae September 23 2011, 05:26:34 UTC
No, Sean Bean's the ever-brooding northen lord with the many children. :)


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