So I watched the first Episode of Game of Thrones

Sep 21, 2011 21:32

I broke down and watched the first episode. I've been not really avoiding it, but not really going out of my way to do it out of laziness and strange loyalty to Legend of the Seeker.

Anyway, my first impressions are under the cut. If you comment, remember I'm on ep1 S1, so don't spoil me too much. <3

OK. SO. Watched Ep1. It started really slow and I had to force myself to keep going (like, it's snowing. I GET IT), but it picked up towards the middleish. I'm not like, SUPER interested yet, but interested enough to watch the next episode. I kind of feel like there are too many characters and I don't know anyone's name, but I am pretty interested to see how Savage Horse Man and Blonde Malfoy Wannabe turn out.

I also don't think that this is the real 'replacement' for LotS that everyone says it is, because it doesn't feel like the same genre. LotS was primarily a fun, pretty, exciting adventure show. This is interesting, but seems more political and dreary and serious. It's like the difference between Merlin and Camelot. And I'm mostly struck by how, with LotS, every scene was breathtaking and beautiful and dynamic, but every scene in this is like.... grey.

In other news: My comment notifications have just started working again, so I'll be getting to those tomorrow after my last round of oral arguments. <3

!show review, !recap, fandom: game of thrones, !hopeful pris is hopeful

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