Title: Working Together
Author: cejuto
Pairing/Characters (or Gen if no pairing): Micheal/Sara, Lincoln, Aldo, Christina, Lj
Category: Gen, AU
Rating: PG13
Summary: Micheal and Lincoln need to work together to save themselves, each other, and their families. This is AU and it kind of explores the possibility of Micheal cutting himself off from Linc when they were teenagers.
Spoilers (if any): None really but I do borrow some possible things from S1 and S2
Chapter 2 is here
http://cejuto.livejournal.com/911.html#cutid1chapter 3
http://cejuto.livejournal.com/1512.html#cutid1 chapter 4
http://cejuto.livejournal.com/1612.htmland chapter 5 please bare with me as I am stll learning