Title: The Unspoken Thoughts of Michael Scofield and Alexander Mahone (during THAT scene)
Author: whatsername
Pairing/Characters (or Gen if no pairing): Michael/Alex
Category: Crack
Rating: R
Summary: We know how we all reacted to that scene between Michael and Alex. This is my interpretation of their real thoughts during, and how it MIGHT have
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Comments 33
Fabulously hot and funny, sweetheart!! :)
Thanks for the lovely comment. :D
Er...was that a little plot bunny right there?!!
And you're very welcome, sweetheart! You made me giggle and that's always worth a great comment! :)
What's say we forget the whole stand-in business, gets gigs doing any 'ol whatever on set and take along our own hand-helds. Then, lets see, just... ACCOST Messrs Fichtner and Miller with some devious scheme trapping them in one or the other's trailer. Of course, the proviso has to be they MUST be in character. Well, for me, anyway. Don't know how you feel ;D
and we USED to eye-fuck so so SO well...
Oh, they SO did! Great stuff!
LOL, I know. Its never nice to tease. Tell Alex that too *snorts*. But, *points to my icon*, the land of smutty filth is never far away for me, so I thought I'd behave myself seeing as this is my first post. You know, don't scare the good folk away....Yet ;)
Love the icon. Tom Underlay is a sexy, sexy beast who inspires much of his own brain-deadedness & wibbling. ♥
Plus WF sharing daddy scenes with an adorable little girl? meltage overload!
Very nice and don't ever let them give you crap on the fade to black
I got your back on that one!!
I got your back on that one!!
*giggles* Pam, my homegirl! Thanks for the comment. Really appreciate it. And the fade to black works, imo, 'cos THAT SCENE SAYS IT ALL. Seriously. A friend of mine who's yet to see an episode of season 3 saw just a screencap, and her response was (I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her) "omg, graphically, it looks like WF is taking WM from the front." So. Yeah. Picture. Thousand words. :D
btw, who knew WF rubbing a wall in a drugged-out state could be SO VERY HOT! (okay, that sounds dirrrtier that I inteded. oh well.)
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