Title: The Unspoken Thoughts of Michael Scofield and Alexander Mahone (during THAT scene)
Author: whatsername
Pairing/Characters (or Gen if no pairing): Michael/Alex
Category: Crack
Rating: R
Summary: We know how we all reacted to that scene between Michael and Alex. This is my interpretation of their real thoughts during, and how it MIGHT have
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Love the icon. Tom Underlay is a sexy, sexy beast who inspires much of his own brain-deadedness & wibbling. ♥
Plus WF sharing daddy scenes with an adorable little girl? meltage overload!
Oh, absolutely - he really carried it for me. Even managed to creep me out sometimes, which just shows what an INSANELY FABULOUS actor he is. XD And I'm annoyed about the cliffy, but Alex Mahone is my soul-mate so I will forgive. ;P
And yes! Yes, yes, yes! Plus, I was constantly jealous of the actress who played Kira. :P
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