A Prison Break Series
Characters: Part 1: Alex & Pam Mahone, mentions of Lincoln
Category: Series, Pre and Post Escape, Gen
Rating: PG-13
Length: 800 words
Summary: 'What goes around, comes back around again.' If Season 3 is going to be about redemption, this series is a scattering of short fics about different characters and the circular route of karma, or fate applying to their deeds. It tries to draw from cannon and concludes with speculation. The next short fic in the series will pick up the thread of the character mentioned towards the end.
Note: This first part is for
Pamalax because she is a straight shooter, tells me no BS and she is obsessed with Mahone. Thanks for being a good LJ friend, lady.
The idea of fate and karma has always intrigued. Recently, I watched a video on YouTube by Nozza titled "It Ain't No Fairtytale" and this inspired the idea of a fic series. It is an amazing highlight presentation of the main characters and the role of what goes around, coming back around again. Please watch it, I think you will find it a great recap, even if you are not a big Justin fan.
Ain’t No Fairytale by Nozza Karma Part 1 - Alex