Title: Never Fall in Love…
tearcreek Characters: Henry Pope, Sara Tancredi, interlude from Becky (the secretary) and an OC.
Pairing: None, but implications of Michael/Sara from what Sara says in Chicago.
Category: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary: “The first thing they tell you when you take the job is… ‘Never fall in love with an inmate’.”
Notes: This is not for a challenge, would you believe it? And it’s the first time I’ve written blatant Sara POV for a long time. (Let Me Go does not count.) So if characterization is off for either of them, don’t hesitate to slap me.
Warnings: None
muldySpoilers: Shouldn’t be, really.
“The first thing they tell you when you take the job is… ‘Never fall in love with an inmate’.”
- Sara Tancredi
Never Fall In Love...