Safe House - Chapter Ten

Mar 18, 2007 13:41

Title: Safe House - Chapter Ten
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Sara Tancredi/Michael Scofield
Other Characters: Lincoln Burrows, Paul Kellerman
Length: 7,548 words
Rating: NC-17. Not for the kiddies.
Summary: The words safe house conjure up a picture of a dark and fortified hideout, certainly not this plain but clean wooden house in the outer suburbs.Spoilers for Season One and Season Two. Pretty much AU from "Scan" onwards, but it also uses some events from "First Down", "Sub-Division", "Buried", "Bolshoi Booze", "Disconnect" and "Chicago". I think you could call this an AU with canon overtones. Anything that you recognise from canon is not mine. Many thanks to sk56 for the beta and the Aussie Girls for the cheerleading. Special mention to foxriver_lady and sarah_scribbles for helping me 'while away' the long train journey - the playing cards were inspired. *g* This story is part of a series, the rest of which you can find here.

Safe House - Chapter Ten

het, kellerman, msgenevieve, lincoln, michael/sara, nc-17

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