things of interest to me

Oct 26, 2008 20:02

Lots of stuff rattling around this brain, but only a few make me go "hmm" out loud to the LJsphere.
  • Those not on Facebook and/or not friends of Matt Noyes (as defined by FB) may not have seen his meteorology-guided election analysis. I think it is quite excellent, and at least it follows my mantra of "don't believe every poll, don't track every day, don't live life on that pendulum." Hurray for a good, if lengthy, read.
  • In class a couple of weeks ago, we were learning about the Classical Theory of Classification, which in a nutshell claims that there is a place for everything so (like that nutshell and the theory within) most things have an exact one place to be classified. My prof used an example of a bucket of red apples and a bucket of green apples and posed the problem of a nearly-ripened red apple which did have portions of green skin. Where should it go? Simultaneously, the two people to my left said, "mmmm... piiiiie." And the six or seven of us in earshot laughed hysterically.
  • Yesterday I was at my cousin's house for her son's 1st birthday party and my aunt (Ryan's Nana) was trying to help Ryan's slightly-older cousin Annie (from the other side of the family; don't you love useless parenthetical info?) figure out a nifty little spinny toy doodad which required a strong full-flat-hand press of the knob atop it. My aunt: "See, Annie? You hafta push it hahd, like this. See? Push it. That's right, hahd-ah, hahd-eh. Good girl! Almost got it! Justa liddle hahd-er, ok?" Annie looked confused. When my aunt looked away, Annie's mom, Tricia, leaned over and whispered to the girl, "She means push it hard." I cracked up and when my aunt demanded to know why, she realized her grandson had probably been trying to translate what she said all week. Poah kids needa lernta speak Boston.

    ETA: random, but I just learned that my LJ is referenced by some nutrition website-- specifically the entry from 2005 where I had just started at GMA and Pam made us eat cat food. Not indicative of my GMA tenure! Or was it?
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