Mar 31, 2005 00:32
yeah so a lot of nations are selling out to increased privitization because of flaws that could have been corrected.
i.e.----norway and denmark.
i personally think that since socialism is inherently a good idea that there must be a way to both preserve it and the work ethic the protestent world is so eager to get into.
first thought:
WORK TO LIVE DONT LIVE TO WORK!!!!should be the motto for the V.S. Council of Free Citizens.
this is how a stable socialist model would function.....
the obvious starting point is to reform the american ghetto.
the N.C.F.C. would obtain management rights of housing projects from the federal and state goverments.
they obviously dont want to do the work ,just look at your local slum.raize uninhabited buildings or convert them into biodiesal labs. and replace the electrical grid with the new canadian solar panels available.
give residents official stewarship of the homes theyre in as long as they help produce biodiesal 10 hours a week.or they can help maintain the power grid. or do housing maintenence 10 hours a week.
i know that i'd shoot some crackhead fucking with my livelihood or gangsta's selling crack on my hard earned property.
but would i care if it were owned by some rich old man shitting on himself while smoking cigars?
convince small-time farmers within NCFC territory to give these communities one third of all surplus products for one third
of the biodiesal the community produces.
remember these farmers are paying out the ass for fossil fuels and often have to sell out to juggernauts like con agra.
once this system becomes operational the rest will unfold.
relieve all doctors of property taxes if they give freepreventative healthcare to anyone involved in the original system.10 hours a week.
they in turn have the right to a share of one third of surplus produce and biodiesal.
a lot cheaper for the driving and delivery of medical supplies.
the drop in propert taxes is the hook.
establish a coalition of graduate student whoin turn for giving free NCFC accredited classes 5 hours a week.
in turn they will recieve free shares of biodiesal, preventative healthcare, and surplus food.
the Volunteer Doctors,Farmers,Fuel-specialists, and Teachers form a good little group but wait a minute this starts in the ghetoo.
a Voluntary MIlitia MUST EXIST. in order to maintain the rights and property of these free citizens a militia with a two hour per week duty must be formed . they will be plugged into the total system.
you dont shoot the guy who makes your fuel. you shoot the dickhead who's looting the storage facilities or breaking into the home of the Housing Maintence Workers ( a new group that just sprung into my head)
it's common sense.