Translation ; 九渊 (Jiu Yuan) // Nine Seas ; TaoRis

Dec 13, 2013 17:32

*Jiuyuan: 九渊 literally translates to 'Nine Seas'
*Taozi: 桃子 I suppose every Tao fan knows this! This means 'Peach', and this is also why many Tao fanarts would have the image of a peach in them.
*Yellow Peaches: 黄桃 Huang Tao, so do you get what the author is implying? (^_-)-☆
*Gege: 哥哥 It's older brother in Chinese, if you don't know this. In case you guys don't know, the Chinese people do not usually use 'Gege' or 'Jiejie' to just anyone older than them, other than their blood siblings.
*Shark's oil candle: 鲛油烛 Actually, 鲛 means the 'King of Skills/Power' but it does refer to sharks in the ancient times. You can google it up!


Mount Penglai is an unclaimed mountain of spirits; home to numerous exotic flowers and herbs, even to the intellectually enlightened spiritual beasts whom have yet to attained immortality, like the nine-tailed fox within Pine Forest, a thousand-year mystical turtle in the icy ponds, and the thunder beast residing around the grotesquely-shaped jagged boulders.

Perhaps, even that little panda living in the bamboo forests up south.

It is only as big as a palm, soft and tender as it hugs the bamboo stalks while it sleeps. Despite already being enlightened, it is unable to speak a single word other than just that couple of little, kittenish tunes it makes to entertain itself. Just to sum things up, it is a very, very small panda. The immortals who visits Penglai would never pick this panda away.

First of all, the South Bamboo Forest is really remote. Even so, what can a panda do? It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing, nor does it know any strong magic. Not to forget, it doesn't carry an impressive name, all it could ever do was to grow up into a big, fat panda.

As time passed, the other spiritual beasts started their gossips around, about how long more would it take for the panda in the South Bamboo Forest to be taken away, probably by some nameless little spirit. However, gossips were gossips, and jokes were jokes, none of these were of to be heard by the panda. The egoistic spiritual beasts only busied themselves with their practice, and would never step into the forest of the extreme south.

The day was just as usual, Mount Penglai being harmoniously peaceful and there came visitors-more specifically, the owner of Mount Qixi, and the Dragon God of Jiuyuan.

The spiritual beasts of Penglai were ecstatic, for if one were to be chosen by either of the two high lords, your future would be bright with unlimitations.

Maybe it was not exactly the most deserving for the spiritual beasts to talk about their futures. Yet, it was definitely something else for the enlightened spirit that only hugs bamboo stalks to sleep up in Mount Penglai.

It is the difference in their natures.

"What are you searching for, magical herbs or spiritual beasts?"

"A stalk of Purple Bamboo that only grows every thousand year."

"Purple Bamboo? Who are you helping to forcefully attain immortality?" A tall man dressed in luxurious clothes furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

Without speaking a word, the handsome man in the strikingly red robe only showed a soft smile.

"Why did I have to come along?"

"Other than the Purple Bamboo, we're looking for your affinity."

"What affinity?"

"You shall understand once we arrive."

As their chattering continued, they had already arrived at the South Bamboo Forest.

Mount Penglai doesn't have four seasons, but only to stay in Spring for eternity. All sorts of rare magical flowers and herbs were extremely well-flourished in lieu to the thick mystical air around in Penglai, and also the constant stream of warm sun in Spring. The South was not a place of dense sunlight, yet the whole forest was brimming with warm rays, specks of lights reflected on the tender grass bed of the forest; it had been a spectacular view.

The forest was not big, and the both of them slowly walked along.

There was an interesting factor though, and that was even if you knew of the location of the Purple Bamboo, to find it correctly with precision and speed was not an easy task. Even if there is no such affinity to be found, there might be multiple repetitions of slip-ups. In this world, mortal beings, trolls, demons, and immortal spirits spoke of fate and destiny.

And Luhan had only the best of luck amongst these worlds.

"Look, it's there."

Dragon God Wu Fan turns his gaze to the side; a little panda was happily asleep as it hugged the stalk of bamboo, rays of the sun torn up by the forest trees and dyed its fur a shallow shade of gold. It might have slept a little too happily though, seeing that there was a slight shimmer by the end of its mouth.

Without a heart to rouse it, Luhan quietly gestures for the Dragon God beside him to carry it up. Helplessly, Wufan carefully picks the soft critter into his arms, and once the little panda felt his warm ends, it lets out a squeak and buries the half of its body into the seemingly soft embrace, leaving its bottom out. The small, white tail would shake from time-to-time as if signaling, yes, it is sleeping very much comfortably.

Wufan's big hands were occupied by the tiny panda, feeling the way it heaves while breathing in its sleep.

He even thinks that the little beast's saliva had seeped through the twelve layers of his luxurious-looking robes. The young little spirit was a warmth the Dragon God had never felt of in his long-lived life, its fragile life, soft fur and little cries.

He's greeted by Luhan's smile when he lifts his head, "Affinity?" he raises an eyebrow.

Luhan carefully placed the Purple Bamboo into the intricately carved wooden bottle before casually speaking. "Skeptical?"

"I do believe." Wufan picked the panda by the back of its neck, and pulled it out of his robes. The little panda roused as it was awoken by the sudden separation from warmth. It stared right at the face in front of it in confusion, deep lines forming above his brows. With a resounding slap, a pawprint was printed on that cold and expressionless face.

Wufan: …………………

Luhan: …………………

Panda: > ▽ <


"I have heard that the Dragon God has been raising a child?"

Kim Joonmyun of Mount Ruying had been visiting Luhan for tea at Mount Qixi, and just as they were getting serious, the topic had shifted onto the newest talk around, rousing much interest amongst the three worlds about the Dragon God.

"Raising a child…………" Luhan fiddles with the white chess piece in his hands and showed a slight smile. "You could say that."

Jiuyuan* does not actually mean nine different seas, but it is considered as the oldest piece of ocean up in the far north and is rumoured to be a legacy of the ancient battle of creation, thus it is not restricted by any of the regulations within the three worlds.

(In the deepest areas of the magnificent castle in Jiuyuan………)

"Do not climb up the roof!"

"Come here!"

"Ah! Be careful!"

The moment Wufan had stepped out of the court, he had been greeted by numerous well-disciplined maids and soldiers in a panic just over trying to catch a little panda who kept jumping all around. He massages his temple before reaching out his hands to catch the bundle of black-and-white fur.

"Huang Zitao, what are you doing again?" Wufan's tone was strict as he spoke.

There is a reason behind the name too. On the day that Wufan had brought him home, maybe it was due to the sudden shift of environment for a land animal to be living under the sea, it would only tremble and cling onto Wufan's collar, refusing to let go. Even despite having black eye circles around, one could easily see the fright within his eyes, refusing to come down no matter how they tried. Alas, it had taken a young palace maid with the newly bore peaches to lure the little panda down from the Dragon God. The little panda hugged the peaches and refused to let them go, continually sniffing around it. Wufan looked down at the unmendable scratch marks and tatters of his black robe before letting out a sigh. "We have to give him a name."

The palace maid covered her lips and laughed, "Since he has a liking towards peaches, why don't you call him *Taozi? It is not only adorable, but meaningful as well."

"We can't be easygoing with this," Wufan thought over seriously, "Since he is in Jiuyuan, he should have a name of immense power. We shall call him 'Zitao'."

"'Wu' is a prestigious surname for the dragons in Jiuyuan ever since the ancient times, it is not possible to let a mere spiritual beast from Penglai have it. Since the Dragon God wishes to nurture him properly, it would not matter with another surname." the Turtle Prime Minister said with his head bowed.

"I knew you were going to say that." Wufan nodded and carried the little panda whom refused to let the peaches go, securely into his arms. "Since you like yellow peaches* that much, you shall be named 'Huang Zitao'."

Despite having his name given in the most serious manner and having taken up the chamber closest to the main hall, Huang Zitao was still the carefree, flighty little panda who rolls around the mud and born up in Penglai, refusing to follow the standard practices.

They had to coax over and over again so that he was willing to drink the thousand-year Lingzhi brewed for him.

The Turtle Prime Minister tried to teach him the teachings of God, yet little critters hated to learn.

Forced to take a bath in the Jade Sea Bath, he had to make a fuss out of it.

Everyday, he had to stick with Wufan. In the best situation, he would be carried by Wufan, in another he would be running behind Wufan, and in the worst, he would bite onto Wufan's sleeves to be dragged along.

Under normal circumstances, Wufan really wouldn't care about having a little animal clinging onto him, but the strict Turtle Prime Minister was far from being pleased. And thus within the whole Dragon Palace everyone had thought that the newly arrived pandda was soft and small, playful, adorable and fluffy, nice to the touch. It was only the Turtle Prime Minister who pulled a face brooding over how strange the adopted animal was-- its status was fine, but he was not a bit interested in its laziness. However, since it was personally carried back by the Dragon God himself and even given a proper name, the grievances he had could only be unknotted within himself.

With much familiarity, Huang Zitao inched closer towards Wufan's embrace while waving his paw. "I do not want to eat that weird-smelling medicine,"

"You have to eat it, once you're done with it you would be able to transform." Wufan takes over the bowl from the palace maid standing at one side.

"What's 'transform'?"

"Becoming a human, like me."

"Will I be able to look as good as you?" With the tip of his paws, Huang Zitao caressed Wufan's face.

Not waiting for an answer from Wufan, the Turtle Prime Minister standing by the side scoffed, "That would be tough."

Wufan glanced over at the Prime Minister and softly spoke over to the little panda, "Once you are done transforming, I would be able to bring you up to meet the God of the Winds at Jiutian; they have very beautiful feathers, to see the land flowers in the Underworld; fiery red and extremely vibrant. To many different nice places, meeting strong people and learning very powerful skills."

"Sounds not too bad," Huang Zitao nodded.

Sighing in relief, Wufan fed the slightly sticky liquid in the bowl to the little panda. The Turtle Prime Minister looked away without a word upon the scene, how inappropriate for the highly-respected Dragon God to feed a wild beast personally.


A black-haired teen was seated in Wufan's embrace holding onto a brush, trying to learn the different words. He was no more than either thirteen, or fourteen, with his lips slightly curled up, beneath his watery, beautiful eyes were a light shade of black; despite having transformed into human, he still had the resemblance towards a panda.

"Gege*, why do I have to learn these?" Huang Zitao massages his wrist a couple times and groaned.

"We'll take a rest after ten more words." Wufan cooed.

"Fine." Huang Zitao pouted and said.

Regarding the nickname 'gege', Huang Zitao had learnt it somehow and Wufan only laughed, allowing him to do so. It was just the Prime Minister who had grumbled throughout. Throwing away his initial discomfort in the Dragon Palace, Huang Zitao moved around as though he had been a panda who grew up right in Jiuyuan.

Wufan had been the Dragon God for thousands of years, not to mention about how cold and strict he was, about how he wasn't the type to be close towards others, and how normal spiritual beasts or demons would cower with fear-- none of them were apparent on the little panda. Whenever it came to meal times, he had to wait till Wufan was back. Even if he had his own chamber, he would still insist on sleeping together with Wufan. It was as though, since Wufan had brought him back, it was only reasonable for him to be with Wufan.

And of course, it is perfectly understandable for Wufan to not treat him like a pet-- not when he sees Huang Zitao waiting for him in the main chamber, under the bright lights of the palace.

Growing up in the Dragon Palace for Huang Zitao had been a speedy process, the spiritual abilities had been the best gift from the shoot of Purple Bamboo; having grown from a thirteen year old to a slight-less-than-proper teenager seemed to have happened within moments.

Was it when he'd went into the kitchen and learnt the ways of making Wufan's favourite Shrimp Paste Crystal Cakes, or was it during the time he had refused to shut his eyes for the entire night, watching the old oyster spitting out a pear. Had it been the time when he had jumped into the East Garden's lotus pond to pick lotuses, or when he had fallen asleep under the cherry blossom tree, only to be carried off to somewhere by Wufan.

Just when had it been?

In the blink of an eye, the muddled little teen had turned into a breathtaking, handsome man.

As he stared at the palace maids sew their purses together and made their pearl accessories prettily, he had insisted on them to teach him. However, it was obvious that Huang Zitao did not have the talent in such areas, he'd secretly fiddled with the red palace silks for a couple of nights --to the extent of avoiding Wu Fan. Even though Wu Fan pretended to not know what he had been up to, he had long since been awaiting for what Huang Zitao could possibly give, with a light tug up the side of his lips.

By the end of the day, when Huang Zitao had presented the messily sewn purse to him, Wu Fan couldn't help but twitched just that little.

The little panda kept whining about how much he had suffered while he was trying to sew the item when he was in Wu Fan's embrace, even showing his fingers to the latter under the dim candle lights about his prick marks. Wu Fan stroked through his soft black hair, heart melted into a puddle of mess.

The very next day, the Dragon God had coupled his majestic robes with an ugly red purse at the side without a care.


The Dragon God had returned rather late tonight.

"You are just about that age for a Dragon Queen." The Turtle Prime Minister spoke with his usual expressionless look.

"Really?" Wu Fan's words were simple, but his footsteps were hasty. He knew that Huang Zitao must've fallen asleep on the stairs; the late nights of Jiuyuan were extremely chilly.

"Yes, when your father was your age, he'd had you."

"Oh." Wu Fan was shallow with his replies, as he had noticed Huang Zitao.

He had indeed fallen asleep, Wu Fan let out a sigh and held onto the chilled hands. Huang Zitao hadn't been too deep into his slumber, as he rubbed his eyes and smiled upon seeing Wu Fan --seemingly as though he did not feel the anger of having to wait for a long time-- only leaving genuine happiness as he saw Wu Fan appear.

"Why did you wait up again?" Wu Fan brought Huang Zitao into his arms, carrying him up just as naturally.

"Wanted to sleep with you." Huang Zitao grabbed onto the collars of Wu Fan's clothes and murmured, once again falling into the state of slumber.

Wu Fan stared at the other and chuckled before turning his head to dismiss the Prime Minister. "Anything else, we'll talk tomorrow."

Under the palace lights deep into the night, the silhouette of the Turtle Prime Minister carried a slight chill.

As an animal, the little panda does have instincts; the Prime Minister doesn't like him, the whole of the Dragon Palace knew of that, he knew of that. However, there will always be someone who doesn't like you in one's life, and it's alright, as he doesn't the Prime Minister either.

According to the little panda's logic: I'm glad I didn't lose.

After studies, the Turtle Prime Minister had specially instructed Huang Zitao to look for him after dinner. With a sudden cold pricking his heart, he just couldn't put his finger on where he had gone wrong even after rolling around twice -- he'd decided to have his dinner happily before anything else.

The Turtle Prime Minister stayed in the rather isolated Jade Mansion, and yes as opposed to its beautiful name, the Jade Mansion's yard was growing with the sturdy Pine trees, its interior design was just as strict and disciplined as the Prime Minister. Even the crimson compass was but a piercing light.

The Turtle Prime Minister had taken up the role of Prime Minister ever since Wu Fan's father was the Dragon God, and he had practically watched Wu Fan slowly grow up. The old Dragon God had passed away in war; it had since been the Turtle Prime Minister who had guided Wu Fan from a haughty young man, up to the steps of being a steady ruler.

With the authority of two generations, it was obvious he was Wu Fan's senior.

Huang Zitao steps in lightly, the mild scent of lavender drifting in the study room with the Prime Minister awaiting for him in front of the table.

"Have a seat."

Fidgeting, he sat on the chair opposite to the table and secretly drummed up his chest.

"You were personally brought back by the Dragon God from Penglai, in all rights, I am supposed to call you 'Young Lord'." The Turtle Prime Minister squinted its eyes.

"Huh?" Huang Zitao was befuddled.

"Once you have fully gone through with your transformation, you will need to have your own mansion."

"So does that mean I'm unable to stay here?" Huang Zitao asked with a blank tone.

"What are you saying?" The Prime Minister waved his hands dismissively, "Where would you find a proper Spiritual Beast who lives in the main hall of the Dragon Palace? Tongues would wag!"

"But……" His mouth was open, and yet he didn't know what else to rebut with; irate rising in his heart.

"In any way, these things are still too early to be spoken of. What is urgent would be of when the Dragon God would be bringing in a Dragon Queen-- with him busying over political issues daily, his mind might not have thought of it. Do remember to remind him."

"What's a Dragon Queen?"

"A Dragon Queen is the sworn mate, usually one of the high ranked dragon ladies from the four seas. Once Jiuyuan has a Dragon Queen, they would have to burn a whole night of candle made from a shark's oil*. It is also a necessity for them to light up the candle of eternal fire, right under the ancestor plates in the main hall, ensuring ten thousands of years of prosperity for Jiuyuan." The Prime Minister squinted his eyes upon remembering something else and smiled, "And after, both the Dragon God and Queen would look after Jiuyuan, letting their love blossom and nestle up a seedling."

Huang Zitao looked down and tugged on the accessory he had made from leaves, left speechless.

The Prime Minister stared at him, and had gotten stricter as he thought of another idea. "You are not that young either, stop treating yourself like a child; always staying in the arms of the Dragon God-- if this spreads out, there will be gossip."

"Gossip?" Huang Zitao lifted his head and spoke.

"Do not destroy the Dragon God's reputation." The Prime Minister only stared out at the pine trees in his yard once he was done with his words, not giving Huang Zitao's expression a second glance. "How could a peach tree possibly be as sturdy as the pine tree? Tender and refreshing things never do live long."

Huang Zitao doesn't know how he'd walked back to his own chamber.

His thinking might be simple, but he wasn't a fool. He had totally understood what the Prime Minister had meant.

Out of the palace, Dragon Queen, and gossips.

Every single word had carved its way on his heart, without a way of letting him fighting back.

With his current heart, taking every step had needed a whole lot of courage.

The bed in his chamber had never been slept on, even if he were to wrap himself in a blanket and snuggled in, it would still be as cold as steel.

To think that whatever he had thought was only reasonable to happen, was but a piece of fragile thinking.

Wu Fan was surprised to not have seen the familiar figure when he had returned. "Where is he?"

The Turtle Prime Minister had seemed just as usual. "Returned to the chamber to sleep."

He turned his body slight to look at the prime minister. "Chamber? What happened?"

"It might just be that he has grown up."

Wu Fan stood in his spot and thought over for a couple of moments, "That's good, some stuff has to be sorted out by himself." Just as he had stepped up the stairs, Wu Fan turned back once again and spoke to the other, "Jiuyuan-- No-- I will never have a Dragon Queen."

Ignoring the prime minister, Wu Fan went in with a smile on his face.

Yes, there will not be a Dragon Queen.


It had been a rough night for Huang Zitao, his dark eye circles appearing heavier than usual in the morning. He staggered his way giddily over to the side hall for breakfast, and since he couldn't find the energy from within, he'd ignored the jokes of him by the palace servants on his way.

As he arrived, Zitao was surprised by the already seated Wu Fan by the table; it wasn't easy to be able to meet Wu Fan after he'd awoke in the morning-- rare to be exact. Upon looking at the other, he had wanted to run straight into his arms, but as he remembered the words of the prime minister, he fell back onto his heels.

Noticing that there had been no further movements from Huang Zitao after some time, Wu Fan let his outreached arms fall back to his sides, with a raised eyebrow, he spoke over to Huang Zitao. "Hurry up and have breakfast."

Huang Zitao let his head fell and walked over slowly, he had refused to bother Wu Fan, staying on his seat with a face of grieve and hadn't even dared to reach out for the dishes that were slightly further from him.

Wu Fan took pity on him; his heart aching and wavering, but he couldn't find the determination to do it.

There are things where it would be easy for him to make a decision on, and he would also be willing to make an effort to pave it out, but if even Huang Zitao himself is confused and probably doesn't share the same sentiments on their relationship…

How were they supposed to walk out a road so distant and long?

The person he had chosen, is of course for eternity-- forever and more.

"Gege," Huang Zitao bit down on his chopsticks, finally being unable to resist speaking. "Do you really have to marry a wife?"

Wu Fan glanced over, starry-eyed. "What do you think?"

Huang Zitao's eyes were filled with red just then. "Could you- Could you not marry?"

"Why not?" Wu Fan had a little smile on his lips-- he hadn't thought of Huang Zitao being able to catch on that quick; seemed as though the instincts and natural skills of the little animal were pretty usefule too.

"Once you have a Dragon Queen, does that mean that you would have to be with her, hug her, feed her, teach her how to write, hug her to sleep, and praise that the food she makes is nice?" Huang Zitao might or might not have noticed that the tears he had been trying his best to hold back, had already fallen from the rim of his eyes.

Wu Fan pulled Huang Zitao into his arms securely, "I guess so."

Huang Zitao's tears had fallen even harder once he'd heard the words, quietly untangling himself from Wufan's hold and was about to leave… When Wu Fan held him back hastily.

Eyes rimmed with red, Huang Zitao looked over at Wu Fan and muttered, "If you do marry your Dragon Queen, I promise not to make things difficult; to not have people gossiping around-- I will return to Penglai, and we shan't ever communicate ever again."

He only got sadder as he continued speaking, being unable to stop himself from running into Wu Fan's arms once he was done with the last word.

Wu Fan stroked the back of Huang Zitao's head, "What foolish words are you speaking of, would you bear to leave me?"

"No," Huang Zitao tilted his head up slightly to look at Wu Fan.

"Where do I find the courage to live that way forever? I'm even afraid that once you've attained a higher level as a spiritual beast, met the big world, you would realise how I am not actually someone who is that great. After all, Jiuyuan isn't some amazing place for you to miss about." Wu Fan held onto Huang Zitao's hands, "Would you still make the food that I like, grab onto my robes and await for me to hug you, or sit in the corridor in front of the hall till I return? Would you?"

Wu Fan will be afraid, even if it is the Dragon God who gets emotional, it is but of a mortal human's worries.

Huang Zitao had been a little quick with his reassurance, "You are the best person in the world, no one else treats me better than you do. How could I possibly ever bear to leave you?"

Once he was done with speaking, he stared right into Wu Fan's eyes; staring at the emotions, staring at the glimmer, and the entire meaning behind it all only gets clearer for him.

"Gege, I like you! Yes, I do like you, so please don't marry a wife, please don't leave me alone!" He was loud with his words.

Wu Fan rarely smiled; a Dragon God had to be cold and reserved with his words, and so all Huang Zitao would usually see was but a shallow smile.

And yet today, Wu Fan actually did smile-- showing a full set of teeth, his eyes almost disappearing into thin lines-- it was to the image of him being a little silly.

Looking nothing like a Dragon God, Wu Fan pulled Huang Zitao into a tight embrace. "Yes, I like you forever too."


Despite having their feeling known for the other, they were different. Such a minimal change, and yet, no one had missed it.

Every citizen of Jiuyuan, even the Turtle Prime Minister.

Huang Zitao was shy, but the only thing Wu Fan lacked of was to tell of the whole universe. As long as he has chosen someone, everybody would have to approve no matter.

The Prime Minister had a harsh and brooding face on when he glared at Huang Zitao, and dragged Wu Fan in for a chat. Huang Zitao stood waiting outside uncomfortably, starting out with numerous worries over different things, close to sprinting back for his belongings-- once Wu Fan has decided to no longer want him, he'd go back to Penglai. However, as time continued passing, there was a strange form of trust in Wu Fan bubbling within him; there is absolutely nothing Wu Fan cannot do, and thus, the prime minister is considered as nothing.

He was close to falling asleep while waiting.

When the Turtle Prime Minister walked out, he only stared at him deeply before turning to Wu Fan. "I'm old, do whatever you want."

Wu Fan nodded his head calmly, "Rest assured."

The teachings of immortality by the Prime Minister only got stricter after, and he had even wanted to bring in a great teacher. What a joke, as long as he has yet to have his transformation fully attested to, he will always be but a spiritual beast; not deserving of the Dragon God.

Huang Zitao could only whine to Wu Fan day and night about the suffering, considering that the latter had always been susceptible to basic coquetry and his cuteness, all Wu Fan could do was to hug him and told him to listen to the Turtle Prime Minister.

The day the little panda had attained immortality would have been a long time after.

Wu Fan gave Huang Zitao a shimmering white piece of scale, telling him that it was his own dragon scale. It had been obvious that Huang Zitao was stunned to have known, with Wu Fan hanging it around his neck and tying a knot at the back till he spoke up. "Dragons do not shed scales easily; this was the result of my playfulness when I was younger. Dragon scales are tough and almost indestructible, even though it will not be able to avert an eternity of calamities, it should usually help during dangerous battles."

Huang Zitao caressed the slightly glimmering piece of scale on his neck, touched emotionally as he looked up at Wu Fan. "I have not given you a thing before, it has always been you who has been giving me it all."

Wu Fan laughed and ruffled Huang Zitao's hair, "You bringing me such a nice little panda is all I will need."

The little panda is not a dragon; it cannot be the Dragon Queen, and they would not be able to follow according to the normal tradition with a proper marriage ceremony. Of course, Huang Zitao had also expressed that he was a male panda, and didn't need those overelaborated formalities. However, Wu Fan does care for the status, and thus invited a couple of close immortals and spiritual beasts whom were highly regarded in the heavens and underworld. These people were considerably smart, understanding the meaning behind Wu Fan's words. Despite having said it was a family feast, they had all came with hefty gifts.

It had been the first time Huang Zitao had ever met Wu Fan's younger brother, having been brought up by the Emperor of the Sky Palace; that little brooding prickhead who kept giving him the eye just because a little panda had stolen his elder brother. Wu Fan had also held onto his hand and thanked Luhan over seriously, the latter accepting it with a smile.

They went back to Penglai some time later-- a coincidence when Wu Fan had brought Huang Zitao out to play. Wu Fan mentioned about visiting, and Huang Zitao eagerly agreed to the idea.

As soon as they'd had returned to the mountains, he transformed back into a not-that-tiny panda once again, for it was only reasonable for him to appear in his natural state at the place he was born in. Wu Fan laughed at 'how it's impossible for you to be as adorably sized in comparison to the past'. Angrily, Huang Zitao had tried to tackle down Wu Fan.

The both of them walked through the place with much laughter, till they'd arrived back at the South Bamboo Forest. To their surprise, there was no longer a stalk of purple bamboo, nor was there another little panda. The warm sun brightened up the entire bamboo forest with delight just as it always had for the past thousands of years, and Wu Fan could vividly remember the feeling of holding the little panda in his arms on that very fateful day.

It had seemed as though Huang Zitao had remembered something as well, turning over to share a look with Wufan, smiling.

There is absolutely nothing that that is more precious than this moment.

Everything changes, with the only exception of my awaiting heart for you.

this was a translation i did quite some time back, and wasn't allowed to post it up other than on Best Year's forum. however, i have not been able to access the web for quite a bit now and the weibo seems to be rather inactive.
original fic in mandarin.

permission post.

pairing: kris x tao, !translations, rating: pg

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