[[ Blood shot eyes, it's a way of _this_ life ]]

Nov 23, 2006 02:30

Holy spork I'm tired. Finished presentation finally ~___~;; Tonight seems to be the night I've been too slow to be able to say g'night to others. Gah. Also, I'm so tired. I keep reading words that start with p, have an e and an n in it, with a s at the end as penis. Examples from tonight - "pennies" and "pens". "I like pens" -- WHAT. *reads* OH.

Is it... end of term yet? A Levels (or at least, my school) makes you treasure every ounce of sleep you get. =3

In other news, I just lost motivation in uploading One Piece. XD Humm... because someone else did, uploaded as many episodes as I have so now I'm all "... what's the point?". Plus I've been looking at the download count. Dum de dum... I think I'll restrict it just to my One Piece mailing group then, and every 50/100 episodes or so, I'll post onto communities.



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